Mar 6, 1475
Michelangelo Buonarroti is Born
Michelangelo was born in a small village called Caprese, near Florence, the family later moved to Florence where Michelangelo is raised in a foster house after his mom died. His mother died when he is just six. (Santini 12) -
May 4, 1488
Michelangelo Takes Apprenticeship
Michelangelo quit school at the age of 13 to take apprenticeship with a painter named Domenico Ghirlandaio. A year later he left painting and Ghirlandaio's workshop, and started taking an interest in sculptures. (Wordpress.com) -
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus discovers America
On the day of August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer set sail to prove that the world was round. He brought three ships, the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María, he ended up finding a new world as we now call America. This was one of the biggest discoverys in world History. (Endmemo.com) -
Dec 11, 1492
Michelangelo Visits the Gardens of Lorenzo de’ Medici
After studying Sculptures, Michelangelo went to the gardens of Lorenzo de’ Medici. With Lorenzo de' Medici he lived in the Ducal palace for three years. In these years he made his works "The Modanna of the Stairs" and "Battle of the Centaurs." After Three years Medici died and Michelangelo was forced to go home and live with his dad. (Wordpress.com) -
May 14, 1497
John Cabot lands in Newfoundland
In 1497, John Cabot set out on his boat. the Matthew, Down the Brittish Channel, then across Ireland before he set out into the sea. It took 35 days for him to see land, but once found, it was explored for about a month and called Newfoundland. This was the beggining of the British colony in North America. (Cabot's Voyage of 1497: Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage) -
Dec 11, 1502
Michelangelo Goes Back to Florence
After going home for several years, at the age of 26, Michelangelo went to Florence to try and get commissioned to finish a sculpture of David, a biblical figure that was started years earlier. The 17 foot tall marble David was completed two years later and was placed in front of the Palazzo della Signoria or City Hall. (Durant 65-66) -
Dec 14, 1503
Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa
Leonardo da Vinci a famous Italian artist paints a memorable picture in 1503 called the Mona Lisa. It was likely that it was painted for a wealthy Florentine merchant, who ordered a portrait of his wife. It was never actually delivered to the man though, da Vinci kept it and went to work for King of France. (Endmemo.com) -
Oct 3, 1508
Michelangelo is asked to paint the Sistine Chapel
In 1508 Pope Julius planned on decorating his uncle’s chapel, The Sistine Chapel, and ordered Michelangelo to paint the ceiling. Michelangelo told the Pope that he did not paint, but he insists that Michelangelo paints it. The work brings him great discomfort and hard work from bending over with his hands over his head.. (Thomas 123-125) -
Oct 1, 1512
Michelangelo finishes the Sistine Chapel
After four years of uncomfortable work, Michelangelo finally finished the Sistine Chapel by himself and pleased the Pope. Michelangelo was paid a treamendous ammount of money for his work. (Thomas 125) -
Dec 16, 1517
Turks Capture Egypt
in 1517, the Turks became a major power. They already Controlled Arabia, and with the Capture of Egypt they were growing quicker. The Turks under king Ottoman took the Mamluks on January 24th, and captured Egypt in just one battle. (Endmemo.com) -
Dec 14, 1527
Michelangelo is appointed Chief of Fortifications
Florence got attacked by a papal and imperial army in 1527. The king appointed Michelangelo to Chief of Fortifications. He had to stop his work and devote himself to defend the city. (wordpress.com) -
Dec 12, 1533
Michelangelo is asked to paint a Wall in the Sistine Chapel
Pope Clement asked Michelangelo to paint the "Last Judgement" on the wall of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo went to Florence for the last time in his life. He lets assistants finish the Medici Chapel. (Wordpress.com) -
Dec 13, 1547
Michelangelo gets appointed official architect of St. Peters Basilica
In 1547 Pope Paul III appoints Michelangelo official architect of "St. Peters Basilica". With the help of another assistant he completed a model of the dome in 1561. This one one of his most underated works. (Santini 78) -
Dec 16, 1547
Ivan IV is crowned Czar of Russia
Ivan IV also known as Ivan the Terrible is crowned Czar of Russia in 1547. He was chosen at just 16 years old to run the empire. He was a keen reader and held one of the most elite armies which led to Russias success.. (Endmemo.com) -
Dec 16, 1553
Queen Mary I Restores Catholism to Europe
Catholism In Europe was dead during the mid 1500. In 1553, Queen Mary I brought it back. When she was crowned Queen, the first thing she did was order that the Roman Catholic Duke of Norfolk was taken out of prison. Then on October 1st, it was proclaimed that Roman Catholism was restored in Europe (Endmemo.com) -
Feb 18, 1564
Michelangelo Dies
After living 88 years and in the middle of a project, Michelangelo died. He was slowy dying of a high fever, and on February 18, 1564 his life ended. His remains were brought to Santa Croce where many people from Florence attended to honor "The Father of All the Arts" (Santini 12)