Michelangelo time line

  • Mar 6, 1475

    Michelangelo's birth and early childhood

    Michelangelo's birth and early childhood
    Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475 in a small village in Tuscany called Caprese. His was father Ludovico di Leonardo di Buonarotto Simoni and his mother was Francesca di Neri del Miniato di Siena. He grew up in Florence and when he was 13 he was apprenticed to Domenico Ghirlandaio. This is significant because Michelangelo became one of the greatest artists of all time. (Coughlan page 49)
  • 1478

    The Spanish inquisition

    The Spanish inquisition
    In 1478 Spain started the Inquisition. The Inquisition was a time where Moors and Jews were forced to either convert or leave. During this time tens of thousands of people were killed. (britanica.com)
  • May 10, 1492

    Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue

    Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue
    In 1492 Christopher Columbus arrived in what he thought was India but was actually the Caribbean. Many believe he discovered America when in reality he never set foot on mainland North america. Columbus also committed multiple atrocities toward the native people. (strauss, Washingtonpost.com)
  • Mar 3, 1497

    The Bacchus

    The Bacchus
    Michelangelo finished the statue of Bacchus in 1497. This sculpture took him over two years to make. The statue of Bacchus is a marble sculpture that is bigger than life size. Bacchus is the Greek god of wine. In the statue the god holds the line skin meaning death and a bunch of grapes which means life. These symbols completely contradict each other. This is an important event because Michelangelo was well known for his sculptures (Harrt page 658)
  • Feb 3, 1499

    The Pieta

    The Pieta
    In 1499 Michelangelo finished a sculpture on the orders of Cardinal Jean de Bilheres. The was called The Pieta was an original sculpture. This sculpture is a work in the Renaissance. This artwork is housed in St. Peters Basilica, Vatican City. . The statue is five feet nine inches tall and six feet five inches wide. It depicts the Virgin Mary holding Jesus. This like many other works of Michelangelo was of religious themes (Barter page 72)
  • Feb 24, 1500

    Charles V was born.

    Charles V was born.
    On February 24, 1500 Charles V was born in San Jerónimo de Yuste, Spain. Charles would go on to be the Holy Roman emperor king of Spain and Archduke of Austria. He Inherited the Hapsburg empire. (britanica.com)
  • Apr 3, 1504


    This Statue of David was made from 1501 to 1504. This statue is seventeen feet tall and six and a half feet wide. The statue of David is held in the Galleria dell'accademia, Italy. The statue represents a Biblical hero David. Michelangelo worked on this sculpture for two years non stop. This is one of Michelangelo's most famous masterpieces and took a lot of work for him. (Barter page 72)
  • Jun 9, 1504

    The Madona of Bruges

    The Madona of Bruges
    The Madona of Bruges took 3 years to make starting in 1501 and was finally finished in 1504. It is very similar to The Pieta with the main difference being gin this sculpture Jesus is seen standing almost independently as opposed to The Pieta Marry is seen holding the infant. This statue is in the The Church Of Our Lady, Bruges. It stands six feet tall and six feet wide. Overall this statue is one of his most important statues he has created.(michelangelo.org)
  • Aug 23, 1507

    The Doni Tondo

    The Doni Tondo
    The Doni Tondo finished in 1507, is the only finished panel painting by Michelangelo. This painting is sometimes referred to as The Holy Family because it depicts the Holy Christian Family with Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph. The painting is being held in Uffizi, Florence Italy. This painting was started in 1506 and was gradually finished in a years time. This was overall one of Michelangelo's most famous paintings. (Lace page 93)
  • 1512

    England declares war on France

    England declares war on France
    Henry VII declared teamed up with the holy League of Spain Venice and the Pope. It was decided that they would attack the French before the end of April. France lost however did not lose any land.
  • Apr 3, 1512

    The completion of the Sistine chapel

    The completion of the Sistine chapel
    Michelangelo was chosen to paint the Sistine Chapel Ceiling. This was painted by Michelangelo starting in 1508 and finally finishing his masterpiece in 1512. This chapel was built in 1477 to 1480 by Pope Sixtus IV. This chapel was named after him and was built in the Vatican. This painting is 133 feet long and 46 feet wide. This painting was made in the Renaissance and High Renaissance time periods. (Lace page 91)
  • Jun 9, 1515

    Moses statue

    Moses statue
    This is a marble sculpture of Moses holding a bible, started in 1513 and finished in 1515. This statue is housed in San Pietro, Vincoli Rome. This statue is 92.5 inches wide and and 82.6 inches wide. The horns in this statue are meant to represent rays of skin of his face meaning he gives off light. (Santini page 49)
  • 1517

    protestant reformation

    protestant reformation
    Martian Luther an Austrian monk decided that the bible not the Pope should be responsible for determining God's word. In 1517 Luther posted a theses on the door of a church. He thought that salvation couldn't be bought and could only be earned by abiding by the sacraments. His Ideas became known as Lutheranism and spread through Scandinavian countries and parts of France.(u-s-history.com)
  • Apr 3, 1541

    The Last Judgement Fresco

    The Last Judgement Fresco
    This was Michelangelo's last painting. This painting is in the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. The painting covers up the whole altar wall of the Chapel. This massive painting is 539.3 inches long and 472.4 inches wide. This is seen as the most difficult painting ever made by Michelangelo. The painting is of many "heavenly" as to give the observer a positive view of heaven.
    (santini page 57)
  • 1543

    Heliocentric universe

    Heliocentric universe
    Nicolaus Copernicus purposed the idea that the earth was not the center of the universe but instead the planets revolved around the sun. Nicolaus Copernicus’s De revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri was a series of books written about planetary movement. This idea opposed the church's views so he waited until the year of his death to publish the book (britanica.com)
  • Feb 18, 1564

    Michelangelo dies

    Michelangelo dies
    Michelangelo died in Rome Italy on February, 18, 1564. He was 88 years old when he died. He was buried in Santa Croce, Florence, Italy. He died to a brief illness just before his 89th birthday in his own home. (biography.com)