Michelangelo buonarroti1

Michelangelo Buonarroti

  • Mar 6, 1475

    Famous Artist

    Famous Artist
    Michelangleo Buonarroti was a famous artist of the Italian Reassiance and his main focus was scultping.His most famous statues include the 18-foor David and the Pieta.
  • Nov 5, 1501

    Known Achievement

    Known Achievement
    Michelangelo Buonarroti created detailed sculputres that became very famous throughout his lifetime.For example one of his most famous statues are the 18-foor David and the Pieta.
  • Feb 18, 1564


    Hw was born in Caprese,Italy, on March 6th 1475. Later he moved to Rome where he died in 1564.
  • Importance

    Michelangelo was able to achieve fame and wealth during his lifetime.This made him him very significant during the Italian Reanissance and his artsitic mastery was able to endure for many centuries
  • His reflection

    His reflection
    Michelangelo impacted our society. One way he did this was he set standards for painting, poetry, and aritecture. He also influenced the art culutre of Florence and Rome in the 15 and 16 centuries.