Mar 6, 1475
Michelangelo's Birth
Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475. He was born in Caprese, Tuscany (Santini 5). He had four brothers, a mother, and a father. -
Oct 10, 1485
Leonardo Da Vinci created the first sketch of the parachute. It was a linen tent that would cover a wooden frame. Unlike today's parachutes, this one had a triangular canopy. This invention, however, wasn't tested until 2000 by Adrian Nichols. His parachute worked perfectly fine. -
Jun 8, 1491
The globe was invented by Martin Behaim, a German map maker, and it was made between 1490-1492. It was called "Nurnberg Terrestrial Globe." Painter George Glockendon helped with this (Inventors and Inventions from the 1500's-the Sixteenth Century 1). -
Mar 12, 1497
Jean de Billheres instructed Michelangelo to create Pieta in 1497. It would into one of the side chapels at the Old St. Peter's Bascilica in Rome. The sculpture was of Mary holding the body of Christ after his death (Michelangelo's Pieta 1). -
Dec 16, 1500
St. Peter's Dome
When Michelangelo was 73, he designed the new dome for St. Peter's. This took 16 years for him to finish. He completed it at age 89 (Thomas ) -
Aug 2, 1502
Michelangelo started David on August 2, 1502. This was a sculpture that was created using a used block of marble. David is being portrayed after his victory over Goliath. He finished this piece January 25, 1504 (Thomas 17-32). -
May 11, 1505
Tomb of Julius the second
In 1505, the Pope, Julius the second, wanted a tomb designed and made for him when he died. He asked Michelangelo to make his tomb but rivals of Michelangelo delayed the project (Design For the Tomb of Pope Julius 2 Della Rovere 1). The project was restarted a second time and was finished in 1545 -
Jan 28, 1506
Doni Tondo
Michelangelo painted Doni Tondo in 1506. Angelo Doni wanted him to paint a "Holy Family" for his wife. This painting is of the "Christian Holy Family" (Anirudh 1). -
Apr 10, 1512
Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo was tasked with the job of painting the Sistine Chapel. Julius asked him to paint the ceiling and he started in 1508. Michelangelo completed the sculpture after four years in 1512. -
Sep 11, 1512
The Fight For the Ottoman Throne
The three sons of Ottoman Sultan Bayezid the second fight for the throne. The Janissaries choose his son Selim because he's the most warlike of the three. Selim the eliminates all potential successors except for his favorite son (Timeline: 1511 to 1520 1). -
May 4, 1524
Pocket Watch
The first pocket watch was invented by Peter Henlein. He a clock maker from Nuremburg, Germany. Henlein invented the clock in 1524 (Peter Henlein-The First Watches 1). -
Dec 18, 1524
Laurentian Library
In 1524, Michelangelo was instructed to create the Laurentian Library. The Medici Pope commissioned him to do it. The library was for San Lorenzo's Church in Florence, Italy (Anirudh 1). -
Dec 6, 1525
Defeat of King Francis of France
King Francis of France was defeated by Italy at the battle of Pavia. This battle took place in Italy. The King was taken prisoner and many of his chief nobles were killed (Timeline: 1521 to 1531 1). -
Dec 24, 1541
Last Judgement
Michelangelo finished the Last Judgement on Christmas Eve, 1541. It showed many religious figures from the Bible and mythology. This was his painting on the last wall, or alter wall, of the Sistine Chapel. He completed it at the age of 66 (Thomas 17-32). -
Dec 30, 1543
Heliocentric Theory
This was discovered in 1543 by Nicolaus Copernicus. His theory was that the sun was in the center of the universe and the planets, like earth, were revolving around it. He believed there was a direct relationship between the planet's distance from the sun and the planet's orbit size. -
Feb 18, 1564
Michelangelo's Death
Michelangelo died February 18, 1564. He created a monument for himself a few days before his death. Michelangelo died at the age of 88 (Encyclopedia of World Biography 2).