
Mexicoimeline By: Tanisha

  • Jan 23, 1200

    Olmec Rules

    The Olmee civiliation developed along Mexico gulf ccast,near Tadasco and Veracruz
  • Aug 13, 1400

    Emergence of the Mechica/Aztecs

    In 1400, a new and more powerful civilizatoin developed in Mexico. The Mechica/Aztecs settled in the Valley of Mexico where Mexico City is now.
  • Feb 2, 1500

    The Arrival of the Spanish

    Spanish arrived in 1500. Mexico lost their culture, languages, and their tradittional knowlege.
  • Jan 26, 1519

    The Arrival of the Spanish

    Spanish conquistador Herna'n Gorte's landed in Mexico
  • Iternal Conflict

    Mexico won independence from Spain in 1876
  • Internal Confilct

    Profinio Diaz came to power in 1876
  • Period: to

    Maya Civilization

    The classic Maya thrived from 100-800ce in what are now souther Mexico, Guatemala, and Beliza.They built several dozen cities that were home to ten thousand people.