Mexico trhough time

  • Jamestown

    Jamestown, the first permanent British settlement in America, is founded.
  • Juan Palafox y Mendoza died.

    He died on October 1, 1659 in the city of Osma, where he will be beatified on June 5, 2011. His Constitutions of the University of Mexico were published in 1668 in New Spain.
  • indigenous rebellion

    The indigenous rebellion breaks out in New Mexico that will expel the Spanish from this province for the next thirteen years.
  • The United Provinces of Central America propose separation from Mexico

    1826 Instructions to the Mexican Plenipotentiary Ministers in the Congress of Panama.
  • Nicaragua and Guatemala separate from Mexico

    Nicaragua and Guatemala separate from Mexico, they do not agree with the proclamation of Iturbide as emperor or with the payment of alcabalas
  • Chiapas Province Freedom Plan.

  • Agustín de Iturbide -declared a traitor to the homeland-, disembarks in Soto la Marina

    He comes from Europe, where he was in exile with his entire family. He tries to start a new civil war, but when he disembarks he is apprehended by Juan José de la Garza. Five days later he will be shot.
  • Guadalupe Victoria takes office as the first president of the United Mexican States.

    Meanwhile, the Congress began the electoral work and to appoint the first president of the republic. The candidates were those who at that time temporarily exercised executive power and it was decided by Victoria.
  • England: first country to recognize the Independence of Mexico

    The government of Great Britain recognizes the Independence of Mexico in the face of the danger that the Holy Alliance represents for the independence of Mexico, the political, social and economic pressures on Mexico, the fear that Spain will try to reconquer the national territory and the Doctrine Monroe from USA.
  • Treaty of Friendship Navigation and Commerce between the United Kingdom and Mexico.

  • Guadalupe Victoria decrees the expulsion from the country of all Spanish residents.

    The conspiracy for the Spanish reconquest of Mexico from the Spanish monk Joaquín Arenas, served as a pretext for expulsions of Spaniards and revenge against the supporters of Iturbide.
  • Vicente Guerrero assumes the presidency of the Republic.

    He receives executive power from Guadalupe Victoria, the first President of Mexico. He has been appointed by Congress after annulling an election in which Manuel Gómez Pedraza had been the winner and Vicente Guerrero the loser. But whose result had been contested on the grounds that the votes had been made in states where conservatives predominated. Out of this challenge, the armed uprising called the Acordada mutiny had arisen, and Gómez Pedraza had resigned from office and left the country.
  • Approval of the Treaty of Friendship, Navigation and Commerce with His Majesty the King of Denmark.

    In view of having concluded and signed in London on July 19, 1827, a treaty of friendship, navigation and commerce between the United States of Mexico and His Majesty the King of Denmark through the plenipotentiaries of both governments, duly authorized and respectively for this purpose; whose treatise with its additional article is in the following form:
  • Philosophical Essay on our Constitutional Revolution. José María Luis Mora.

  • Declaration of the Supreme Conservative Power, that General Santa-Anna is in charge of the government.

    The supreme conservative power excited by the general congress, prior initiative of the government, in accordance with paragraph 8, article 12 of the 2nd constitutional law, in view of the executive resolution, taken by the President of the Republic to go out to send in person the forces that must act on Tampico;
  • Santa Anna decrees that education be declared compulsory from 7 to 15 years old and it is entrusted to the Lancasterian Company.

    After issuing this decree - this same day - Antonio López de Santa Anna dissolves Congress and takes office as substitute president of the Republic, Nicolás Bravo, who will hold office until March 5, 1843, when Santa Anna will return.
  • By law the nation is summoned to defend national independence.

    Faced with the threat of the usurpation of Texas, provisional president José Joaquín de Herrera decrees the law sent by Congress.
  • Decree of the US Congress ordering the prosecution of the war against Mexico. And President Polk's proclamation and circular.

    Considering: that by acts of the Republic of Mexico there is a state of war between that government and the United States. The Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America, meeting in Congress, have decreed: That in order to enable the Government of the United States to continue said war until its prompt and happy ending
  • Manifesto to the people of Mexico and to the Governments of the Allied Nations in the World War Against the European Central Empires. Felix Diaz.

    Félix Díaz, General in Chief of the National Reorganizing Army, and the undersigned generals, chiefs and officers, we address this manifesto to the Mexican people, in general, and, in a special way.
  • Zapatista manifesto to the Revolutionaries of the South.

    The Southern Revolution has just taken a great step, it has just obtained a beautiful result, more important than a hundred victories on the battlefields, by agreeing on the election of a General-in-Chief, a Military Director at the same time political.