Mexico Independence

  • Literary group

    Early months of 1810. The mexican priest Miguel Hidalgo amongst with others such as Josefa Ortiz, Ignacio Allende and others created a "Literary group". This was not an ordinary one, this one served to conspire against the spanish to gain independence and equality with the creoles and peninsulares.
  • Someone had shared the secret information

    September 13, 1810. Someone that formed part in the literary group had shared information of what was actually happening to some Spanish officer. As result, it was demanded to raid the houses of those that were part of that group. Doña Josefa warned Allende in order for him to tell Hidalgo as well, so they could be careful.
  • The start

    September 16,1810. Miguel Hidalgo, keen to start the war rings the church bells to gather the village. He then gave a speech to motivate the people to fight against the spanish. This event is known as "El Grito de Dolores".
  • Attack to Alhondiga de Granaditas

    September 28, 1810. Attack to Alhondiga de Granaditas. After Hidalgo arrived at Guanajuato, the Spanish were hiding but their surpise, el Pipila burns down the wooden door that leads into the city.The attackers destroyed the city, killing almost everyone inside.
  • Battle of Monte de las Cruces

    October 30th, 1810. Battle of Monte de las Cruces. Hidalgo and his troops were heading towards Mexico City when they were met by the Spanish troops in Monte de las Cruces. Hidalgo won the battle having outnumbered the Spanish. In fear of the loses he had already experienced, he decided to retreat.
  • Miguel Hidalgo is captured

    July 31st, 1811. Miguel Hidalgo is captured in Texas and goes to Chihuaha where he is trialed. His trial lasted longer because he was a pries. He was then killed by a firing squad for treason and heresy.
  • Sentimientos de la Nación

    September 14th, 1813. Sentimientos de la Nación. In this document Morelos expresses their requirements as a nation to the government.
  • Puebla,The Spaniards and the Mexican rebels started to fight

    November 5th.1815. In Tezmalaca, Puebla, the Spaniards and the Mexican rebels started to fight. The rebels were led my José María Morelos and the Spaniards by Manuel de la Concha. José Maria Morelos was killed by the Spanish on December 5th, 1815. The Spanish troops won that battle.
  • Plan de Iguala

    February 24th, 1821. Plan de Iguala. The Plan of Iguala would turned Mexico into a constitutional Monarchy, in which the only religion would be Roman Catholicism and all citizens (creoles and peninsulares) would have equal social and political rights.
  • Consummation of Independence

    September 27th, 1821. Consummation of Independence. After 11 years of battles, Mexico was proclaimed to be free by Viceroy O'Donoju after fully accepting the Plan de Iguala in the Treaty of Cordoba.