"Grito de Dolores"
Event considered the start of the Mexican independence. -
Hidalgo died
Miguel Hidalgo was prisoned and after a long trial, he was shot. -
Tratado de Córdoba
Agustín Iturbide and Juan O´donojú signed the document that meant the total independence of Mexico from Spain. -
First Empire
Agustin Iturbibe is proclaimed Emperor of Mexico -
Liberal constitucion
Mexico adopted the name of United Mexican Statesand was defined as a representative federal republic. -
First President of Mexico
Guadalupe Victoria became the first president of Mexico after Casamata Plan that abolished the monarchy to became a republic. -
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Santa Anna replaced the constitution of 1824 for the 7 laws, then disolved the congress and began centralizing power to became later a dictatorship. -
Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo
After the us invasion, this treaty was signed and texas became part of us instead of Mexico´s. -
Refoma War
Conservatists vs Liberalists. The liberalists wanted a federalist regime limiting Catholic church and military influence in the country. The conservatists wanted a centralist regime, even a monarchy. -
The second empire
Maximilian of Hapsburg became the second emperor of Mexico after the Second French Intervention between 1863 and 1867 where conservatists brought him to ruled in Mexico.