Mexican Independence
Was an armed conflict, and the culmination of a political and social process which ended the rule of Spain in 1821 in the territory of New Spain. -
The Battle of Calderon Bridge
Was a decisive battle in the Mexican War of Independence. It was fought on the banks of the Calderón River 60 km east of Guadalajara in present-day Zapotlanejo, Jalisco. The battle was fought between Mexican Insurgents and the Kingdom of Spain. -
Congress of Chilpancingo
The Congress of Chilpancingo is inaugurated. Morelos delivers the inaugural speech and Juan Nepomuceno Rosáins reads the Sentimientos de la Nación. -
The end of the Independence
The Spanish colonel Agustín de Iturbide and the insurgent leader Vicente Guerrero together issued the Plan of Iguala at a meeting in Iguala, under which Mexico was to become an independent, Catholic constitutional monarchy. -
First Empire (Iturbide)
May 19th 1822- March 19th 1823
After the formation of the Provisional Junta, the army supported Iturbide to become an Emperor in 1822. Iturbide was named "Agustin I". His empire was a bad simulation of the Spanish Monarchy. The liberal Congress constantly attacked Iturbide. -
The Triumvirate
After the fall of Iturbide the Congress named a new executive government led by three men: Pedro Celestino Negrete, Vicente Guerrero, Nicolás Bravo. -
Liberal Constitution of 1824
Inspired by Cadiz and U.S Constitution. Established a Federal Republic. Was in favor of the Catholic Religion. Education & freedom of press. Did not alter the rights of the Church and the military. -
First Federal Republic in Mexico
Mexico becomes a federal republic after the ouster and exile of Emperor Augustin de Iturbide, with catholicism as the oficial and exclusive religion. -
Texas Independence
Texas protested about the new central government (7 laws) and rebelled themselves in favor of the federal system.
Treaties of velasco: Texas independence -
Second French intervention
Was an armed conflict between Mexico and France between 1862 and 1867. It took place after the Mexican government headed by Benito Juarez, announced the suspension of payments of the external debt in 1861.