Conspiracy Spanish General
The plans getting created, also known as the conspiracy gets to the Spanish generals. This is dangerous because everything they had planned now got ruined. Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez realizes this and decides to notify the other leaders so they would not be in danger. It is an important event because the conspiracies are supposed to be plans made without the Spanish noticing but at the end they did. Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez proved her resistance because she still gets captured and refuse to give -
Period: to
Mexican Independence
Time of events -
Literary cLUBS
early months of 1810
Miguel Hidalgo, josefa ortiz de domínguez, Ignacio Allende, and IJuan Aldama began to have unknown.meetings to discuss their plans regarding their independence movement removing them from the spaniards. They were having “literary plans” about their search and fight for attack without any one knowing knowing about it, before everything started. -
Battle of Cry
the leader was an priest called Miguel Hidalgo. This the leader was an priest called Miguel Hidalgo. This Independence was against the Spanish government, people were sick if injustices and inequalities. He passes yelling and trying to convince people to join them. They all were walthin to San Miguel de Allende. This date its really important because iw when the Independence was declare by the peopl -
Albondiga de Granaditas
Was the battle leadery by Miguel Hidalgo between the insurgents and the spanish army. Unfortunately many insurgent were killed . Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla along with his insurgent army capture in Alhondiga de Granaditas to be killed. El Pípila part of the insurgent walked through the battle and get to the front door and burned down the main door so that the insurgent army can go out. He was know as a hero. That day was a victory for Miguel Hidalgo even though many people die. their first vict -
Battle Monte de las Cruzes
This date was when Miguel Hidalgo and Ignacio Allende fought the Battle of Monte de las Cruces. This battel mean a lot for the Independence of Mexico because they faught criollos and indians. So not only the criollos wanted Independence they realize that the indians wanted to. So they got together to fight for what they wanted. -
Period: to
War of Independence
Battle of Calderon Bridge
Battle of Calderón Bridge was important because was where the Spanish won the insurgent army. The leaders were Miguel Hidalgo, Ignacio Allende, Mariano Abasolo, and Juan Aldama. This was the last battle where Hidalgo participated because he was executed afterwards. -
Hidalgos Execution
Miguel Hidalgo was caught and and executed by the Spanish army. After killing him they cut his head and was shown in Guanajuato so that people fear the spanish army and stop fighting. After that the priest Jose Maria Morelos became the leader for the insurgents. He was very organized and strict so he helped the army to get better for the next battles. -
Battle of Temalaca
Battle of Temalaca was one of the battles that occurred on November 5, this war took lead by Jose Maria Morelos, at the end, jose Maria Morelos was captured by the spanish leader and was later executed. This may prove how the indian rebels were weak in order to him dying so quickly. -
Plan of Iguala
The Ejercito of the Tres Garantias was created by both Agustin de Iturbide and Guerrero’s troops. Making iturbide a very intelligent and strategic plans he succeeded making him probably did good as a leader. Part of consummation because of the skill he had making him better. -
War for Independence
The army was led by Agustin Iturbide known as the leader of the tres garantias in México City, this was a sign that they had reached to gain their independence.. Along this year, Agustin Iturbide became emperor of Mexico. Making them fought for independence They finally had John Locke's ideals believing in natural freedom.