French Revolution
Main ideas, equality, fraternity, and libery, This ideas inspired the indepence movements (CAUSE) -
Bourbon Essential to Power
The Bourbons took the place of the Hasburg family and lead them to create the Bourbon reforms that affected the creolles (CAUSE) -
Napoleon Bonaparte gets to Spain
Napoleon Bonaparte occupies Spain Territories and puts in charge of the colonies his brother Joseph (CAUSE) -
Miguel Hidalgo and his "Grito de Dolores"
Father Miguel Hidalgo, who was a priest, made his call for Mexican Independence. He called it as "Grito de Dolores" -
Alondiga de Granaditas
Father Miguel Hidalgo created a new military campaign in whcih they took control of the Alondiga de Granaditas, this was a place in which they save all types of crops -
Battle of Calderon Brige
Felix de Calleja engage this war, there were 3 wars fought during the movement of indpence. -
Sentimientos de la Nacion
Jose Morelos created a document in which they were supposed to gave rights to everyone with amazing things, but they didnt achieve all kinds that they promised -
First Consitution
The government created the consittution "Apatzingan" it was based on the ideas of the Sentimientos de la Nacion. Morelos didnt care as much for the lower classes -
Morelos captured
Once again, he tried to achieve the things as he wanted and it was captured and murderd -
Consitutional Convention
It was established this convention and gave rights for the Mexican Citizenships. it changed Mexican life completelty -
Javier Mina arrives
Indepedence movements losses power Javier Mina a liberal Spaniard arrive in Mexico to fight the rebels. -
The third phase of Indepence
This third movement was the only one succesful led by Iturbide and Guerrero. The independence was succesful because by now they have all power from the higher classes (peninsulares). When it was finished, the peninsulares went back to Spain and Iturbide was emperor, after that they created el plan de Iguala -
Treaty Of Cordoba
After many different revolts and during some time fighting, they created a plan to separate the colony from Spain. Iturbide and Guerrero created a plan that says this but it was not accepeted by the majority because of some problems with races. Finaly during Aug 1st 1821 the Treaty of Cordoba was signed and lead to the Final Mexican Independence -
Mexico Gains Indeendence
During this day Mexico gain independence after the revolts -
Iturbide became Emperor
After Indepence, they were waiting for Ferdinand to arrive but when he didnt came: Iturbide became emperor -
The Consitution
This constituion was created and had rights for all mexicans