
Mexican Independence process

  • Beginning "Grito de Dolores"

    Beginning "Grito de Dolores"
    It was pronounced by the priest Miguel Hidalgo, it marked the beginning of the fight to free oneself from Spain and is celebrated annually
  • Capture of "Guanajuato"

    Capture of "Guanajuato"
    Led by Miguel Hidalgo, the insurgents took the Alhóndiga de Granaditas, marking a victory against Spain and motivating the fight for freedom.
  • Battle of "Monte de las cruces"

    Battle of "Monte de las cruces"
    The insurgents led by Miguel Hidalgo faced the royalist troops. Creating the foundations for independence.
  • Signing of the Independence Act

    Signing of the Independence Act
    The Congress of Anáhuac proclaims the independence of Mexico, although the fight continues.
  • Battle of "Aculco"

    Battle of "Aculco"
    Led by Ignacio Allende, the insurgent resistance confronted the royalist forces. Although it resulted in an insurgent retreat, it marked the beginning of the fight.
  • "Chilpancingo" Congress

    "Chilpancingo" Congress
    The Congress of Chilpancingo is established, which drafts the first Constitution for Mexico.
  • "Iguala" Declaration

    "Iguala" Declaration
    Plan of Iguala establishes the principles for independence, union and religion, paving the way for independence.
  • "Córdoba" Plan

    "Córdoba" Plan
    Agustín de Iturbide joins the independence cause with the Córdoba Plan, supporting the independence of Mexico.
  • Hug from "Acatempan"

    Hug from "Acatempan"
    Iturbide and Vicente Guerrero hug each other, symbolizing the union of the independence forces and consolidating independence.
  • Signing of the Treaty of "Córdoba"

    Signing of the Treaty of "Córdoba"
    Iturbide and O'Donojú signed the treaty that recognizes the independence of Mexico, marking the end
  • Entry of the "Trigarante" Army to Mexico City

    Entry of the "Trigarante" Army to Mexico City
    Iturbide leads the Trigarante Army in a triumphant entry into the capital, consolidating Mexico's independence.
  • Proclamation of the Mexican Empire

    Proclamation of the Mexican Empire
    Iturbide is proclaimed emperor of Mexico, although his reign is short-lived.
  • Iturbide's abdication

    Iturbide's abdication
    Iturbide abdicated as emperor and went into exile, giving way to the Republic.
  • Installation of the First Mexican Congress

    Installation of the First Mexican Congress
    The Federal Republic is established, shaping the new independent nation and defining its political structure.
  • Constitution

    Mexico enacted its first constitution, establishing the fundamental principles of government and the separation of powers.
  • Presidency of Guadalupe Victoria

    Presidency of Guadalupe Victoria
    Guadalupe Victoria becomes the first president of Mexico, contributing to post-independence stability.