Miguel Hidalgo started to plan the independence and started spreading the word out so he can gather people who are against the Spaniards -
The spaniards got to know that Miguel Hidalgo and people were gathering to start the indolence movement so Miguel Hidalgo was looked by the Spaniards. -
Grito de Dolores
The grito de dolores that was presented by Miguel Hidalgo to the followers he had. All the followers of Hidalgo were very excited to fight against the Spaniards. -
Battle of Alhondiga
There was a battle in the Alhondiga de Granaditas and the papilla permitted the access to the army because he broke the door with a stone he was carrying -
Hidalgos Army not going ot Mexico city
The army of Hidalgo fought in monte de las cruces versus the spaniards and succeeded in that battle. Hidalgo did not permit his army to advance to Mexico city. If Hidalgo permitted his army to go to Mexico the independence would of just lasted three months. -
Battle of Calderon Bridge
There was a battle in the Calderon Bridge and many people were killed including Mexicans. The Mexican army had about 100,000 people but the Spaniards had a really strong army. -
Death of Hidalgo
Hidalgo was killed and Morelos took his place in the throne -
Battle of Temalaca
There was the Battle of Temalaca and the Mexicans fought against the Spaniards and the leader Morelos got killed like the las leader Hidalgo. -
Plan de Iguala
The Plan de Iguala is signed by Iturbide and Guerrero so Mexico could now be independent -
Independece Day
The independency of Mexico was now official