Early months of 1810
In the first months of the Mexican independence movement, important members organized secret meetings which they called “literary clubs” where they actually discussed about initiating the Mexican Independence. They did not want the government to suspect that they were planning somethings so they desguised their meetings by making them look as a book club.
Image: Literary meetings to plan independence: ret. Dec 7 2015 -
September 13 1810
This was the resistance stage, because it is when Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez becomes aware that the Spaniards know about the revolt. Even though she is arrested, she resists in giving out any involucrated names, and spreads the news so that the rest can flee from getting captured. Image: Día de la Independencia de México: 16 de setiembre, el histórico Grito de Dolores. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2015 -
September 16 1810
The Mexican Independence movement starts. Miguel Hidalgo and Costilla are the ones to promote the people in Dolores Hidalgo to start the revolt. “El Grito de Dolores” is what finally encourages the people to revolt and head towards San Miguel de Allende. Important because it is what made Hidalgo gain so enough followers to make an army and continue with the revolt
Image: Día de la Independencia de México: 16 de setiembre, el histórico Grito de Dolores. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2015, -
September 28 1810
The army of Allende and Hidalgo attack Guanajuato. The Pipila was the general who lead all the Indians to make the first attack to the Spaniards. They targeted the granary and after 5 hours of intense battle the Indians finally invaded the massacre. They captured the Spaniards and criollos and exiled hundreds. Image: 1810: Mexican Insurgents Storm Guanajuato. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2015 -
Monte de las Cruces Battle
Allende and Hidalgo’s troops find the Spaniards and fight against them creating the Battle of Monte de las Cruces. This battle was important because it demonstrated how the Indian army was actually strong enough to have defeated the Spaniards, and it gives them hope to keep reaching their goal of independence. Image: 1810: Mexican Insurgents Storm Guanajuato. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2015 -
Accident that Delayed Hidalgo and his army
Hidalgo's troops then moved towards Guadalajara while the Spaniard now merged bigger grops that would compete with Hidalgo’s army. When they arrived to Guadalajara the rebels took over the place. By the incident of the accident bomb explosion Allende and Hidalgo retreated from the battle to re arm forces. That created an advantage for the Spaniards to gain control of the leaders of the insurgentes. Image: Austriae est imperare orbi universo - a Habsburg AAR. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 20 -
Miguel Hidalgo Executed
Miguel Hidalgo y and Costilla were both arrested and then executed by the firing squad. To take their place Jose Maria Morelos assumed leadership to lead their army. Image: Ben. E. Palacio de Gobierno - Chihuahua, Mexico. Mural of the death of Fr. Hidalgo -
Congress of Chilpancingo
Around November a battle was fought between the Indian army that was lead by Jose Maria Morelos and the Spaniards.It took place in Temalaca. Having succeeded in the battle, Morelos was arrested afterwards by the Spanish.Morelos also established the Congress of Chilpancingo in which he declared Mexico independent from Spain.After this meeting they made a constitution known as Constitution of Apatzingan. Image: Le Congrès de Chilpancingo de la Déclaration d'Indépendance (n.d.). ret. Dec. 8, 2015 -
Plans, Ejercitos and Treaties
Agustin Iturbide created the Plan de Iguala which was then supported by the Ejecrito de las tres Garantias . This ejercito was created by Iturbide as well after all the armies joined together to to defend religion, independence and liberty. Due to this the Treaty of Cordoba was created and corresponded with the Plan de Iguala, and so it was signed by Iturbide. This treaty stated that no European could lead Mexico. Image: Members of Hidalgos army holding the Plan de Iguala. ret Dec 7. (n.d.) -
Mexico gains Independence
Finally Mexicans are free! They have now gained independence thanks to the Treaty of cordoba and Iturbide's plan. Iturbide arrives to Mexico city with the Triumph army achieving Mexico's independence. From this day forward Mexico is able to led itself, and a Mexican is able to govern with a Mexican leader. Image: (1820); 1822- Iturbide becomes the first emperor in Mexico after refusal of Spanish monarchy.