Highlights of the Independence of Mexico

  • Initiation

    Hidalgo and the "literary club" were planning the uprising that was going to be held in december 8, 1810, it was a secret then and nobody knew anything about their secret plan but them. It was key that they kept it a secret so that they had time to make a great impact, if they were to take Independence. http://adimensional.com.mx/sitio/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/conspiracion-de-queretaro-281x300.jpg
  • Initiation

    The government offcials knew that there was a conspiracy going on and they knew Epigmenio García took place in this so they searched his house and eventually found firearms. Epigmenio was arrested and everybody that was planning for the Independence fell into panic and hysteria. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AEIUlNubnH8/Tm9BUP4nNiI/AAAAAAAABms/iRng_cbwUps/s1600/conspiradores+de+q.jpg
  • Initiation

    In the night of the 15 to the 16 of september Miguel Hidalgo made the "Grito de Independencia" in the town called Hidalgo. This "Grito" was said before the date that it was originally planed, since they Spaniards discovered the conspiracy Hidalgo and his friends were planning. This initiation movement was really important, since it motivate dpeople to fight for their freedom. http://www.bicentenarios.es/mx/18100916.htm
  • Initiation

    In this date the riot and army of Hidalgo arrived to Guanajuato. In this place the Spanish hid in a big squared building called the Alhóndiga, and they waited for reinforcements to come. Here is where the famous person called "El Pípila" made a sacrifice for everybody. he tied up a big rock to his back and he went towards the Alhóndiga with a torch. He set the door on fire so that the rebels could enter and kill the Spanish. http://www.memoriapoliticademexico.org/Efemerides/9/28091810-Alhondi
  • Initiation

    In this date there was an intense and important fight between the army of Miguel Hidalgo and Allende vs. the royal troops, called the battle of Monte de las Cruces. The battle marks the best advancements the independence movement has made, and it was closer to victory than to failure. http://sagaofatexasranger.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Miguel-Hidalgo-Pintura.jpg
  • Initiation

    During this date there was a very big war between the insurgents and the Spanish called "battle of the Bridge of Calderon". Considering the number of troops Hidalgo had it was clear that he would have won, but the SPanish had a better strategy and better equipment, that is why the won against so much more people. After Hidalgo saw that it would not work, he retreated with his troops to the north. https://promotoresdeinicial.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/15.png
  • End of Initiation Stage

    End of Initiation Stage
    In this sad date, Hidalgo was executed by a firing squad of Spanish soldiers. Hidalgo after the war of the Bridge of Calderon he fled to the north and later he was captured by the Spaniards. the Spanish took a lot of time deciding since Hidalgo was a priest, but in the end they decided to kill him. The execution took place in the capital of Chihuahua. http://sententiavera.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/4227264-The_Execution_of_Miguel_Hidalgo_Chihuahua-300x182.jpg
  • Consolidation

    In this day there was a battle (battle of Temalaca) taking place between the Spanish and the Mexican rebels. Jose María Morelos was the leader of the mexicans at this period. Unfortunatley the forces of Morelos lost against the Spanish and later he was captured by the royalist forces. Later on Morelos was executed by the Spanish. http://www.mexicoarmado.com/images-articulos/MGV-IND-18.jpg
  • Consumation

    In this very special date there was a treaty that was signed both by Agustín de Iturbide and Vicente Guerrero. This treaty called "Plan de Iguala" finally set the independence of Mexico, but with some restrictions. The religion of everybody of Mexico would be Roman Catholicism and everybody would be treated equal, politically and socially. http://pri.org.mx/BancoSecretarias/files/Imagenes/651-1-12_19_48.jpg
  • Consummation

    Finally after 10 years of struggle and fighting, Mexico gained its independence that it was well deserved. The Viceroy Juan de O’Donojú signed the treaty of Córdoba, which gave Mexico the true independence that every citizen was awaiting for. Finally everything was over, finally every mexican was free once again. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mexican-war-of-independence-begins