Mexican constitution timeline

  • Constitutionalists and the idea of a new constitution

    Constitutionalists and the idea of a new constitution
    Carranza initially envisioned revisions to the 1857 Constitution that would incorporate the demands for which revolutionaries fought. Carranza's 1913 Plan of Guadalupe and its subsequent updates did not include demands for a new constitution, but his advisors persuaded him that the best way forward was a new constitution rather than a piecemeal revision of the earlier Constitution. He had initially floated the idea of a constitutional convention in September 1913.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Carranza convoked a congress specifically to revise the liberal constitution of 1857, but the process created a more sweeping, new document.The Constitution was drafted in Querétaro, bringing to an end the Second French Intervention in 1867.Querétaro was a quiet, peaceful place for such an important meeting.with delegate elections and then a credentials fight preceding that; the final draft was approved on 5 February 1917.