early months of 1810
The leader , Miguel Hidalgo saw that there were too many injustice and decided that the only mean to stop the injustice is to revolt. He started to gather support from the people by religious means. They started planning the “Conspiracion de Queretaro” . -
Sept 13, 1810
Supporters of the movement were hiding weapons in their houses and they get discovered. Josefa Dominguez know that the spaniards were going to Criollos homes to arrest them. Every one who was involved was being arrested so Josefa told all royal officials what was happening. Josefa Dominguez is the “ Corregidora” -
Sept 16, 1810
On this day the grito de dolores occurred. This event marks the beggining of the Mexican Independence. Miguel Hidalgo stood in the front of a crowd yelling “ ¡Mexicanos!
¡Vivan los héroes que nos dieron la patria y libertad!
¡Viva Hidalgo!
¡Viva Morelos!
¡Viva Josefa Ortíz de Dominguez!
¡Viva Allende!
¡Viva Galeana y los Bravo!
¡Viva Aldama y Matamoros!
¡Viva la Independencia Nacional!
¡Viva México! ¡Viva México! ¡Viva México! “ -
September 28, 1810
Siege of Guanajuato. This was when Miguel Hidalgo's troops went to Guanajuato were the spanish were ready to fight them. There was a battle. -
October 30, 1810
Battle of Monte de las cruces. This battle was fought between Muigel Hidalgo's troops and Spaniard Royalty. This was a great advance for Hidalgo but then he decided not to attack Mexico City. This was a big mistake because instead he retreated to Guadalajara -
January , 1811
The calderon Bridge, This is where Hidalgo's troops fought against Calleja's. Hidalgo had way more people but the difference was that Callejas troops were disiplined and well trained. Hidalgo's army lost and retreated. -
July 31 1811
Miguel Hidalgo got shot for commiting treason. He was killed and then Jose Maria Morelos takes over as the new leader. -
November 1815
This is when the battle of temalaca occured. The fighting was between Spaniard royalt and Mexicans fighting for their liberty. This battle resulted in a victory for the Spaniard Royalty. -
February 24, 1821:
They created the Plan of Iguala.This was a plan that included 3 guarantees. where Mexico would be a constitutional monarchy , Led by ferdinand or another european . Also Catholic church would be a monopoly and would regain all benefits. Finally , Creoles and peninsulares would be equal. This plan was led by Iturbide. -
September , 1821
Army of the three garantees after long battles finally got to Mexico City. The next day Mexico was declared independent.