Hernán Cortés, Spanish, takes Tenochtitlán.
Cuauhtémoc, the last Aztec emperor, is overthrown.
Alonso García Bravo, soldier with knowledge in Topography, performs works of trace of the capital of New Spain (today city of Mexico)
In Seville, the Second Letter of relationship, elaborated by Hernán Cortés, which has its antecedent in the first of 1519.
On the mission of Pope Adrian VI, the Franciscans arrive to New Spain.
Hernán Cortés founds the hospital in Tenochtitlán oldest in America (the Purisima Limpia Concepción of Our Lady), which changes to name of Jesus of Nazareno (current Hospital de Jesus).
Hernán Cortés, writes the Fourth Letter of Relationship which, a year later, is published in Toledo, Spain.
Luis Ponce de León collects geographic information relative to New Spain.
By royal decree it is arranged that the New Spain is governed by a Audience, the which begins to work from 1527 to 1531.
Period: 1527 to 1531
By royal decree it is arranged that the New Spain is governed by an Audience, the which begins to work from 1527 to 1531.
The chronicler Juan Bautista, Indian of the Barrio de San Juan, start writing Annals of Juan Baptist or Historical Notes of Juan Bautista, which is a list of events after the Conquest, among them the appearance of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
The Second Audience, under the direction of Sebastián Ramírez de Fuenleal, organizes the compilation of geographic information that the Name of Description of New Spain.
The first Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza arrives at Mexican lands, who governs from 1535 to 1550 and start the process of granting mercedes of Earth. He also founds in New Spain the House of coin.
Installation in New Spain of the first printing of the new world.(America)
Don Vasco de Quiroga founds in the city of Patzcuaro, Michoacán, the School of San Nicolás Bishop.
Fray Toribio de Benavente (Motolinía) ends the writing of the History of the Indians of the New Spain.
In the New Spain the Hospital of the Love of God for the care of diseases venereal
The New News are published in New Spain laws of the Indies with the aim of protecting the indigenas of the encomenderos.
Francisco López de Gómara, begins the writing of the History of the conquest.
Foundation of the Audience of the New Galicia in the city of Compostela.
Start the exploitation of mineral deposits in Zacatecas, Guanajuato and Pachuca.
Yucatán and Cozumel pass to the jurisdiction of the Audience of Mexico.
The certificate of creation of the Real and Pontifical University of New Spain.
Juan Badiano translates, from Nahuatl to Latin, the work of the Aztec doctor Martín de la Cruz, to whom titula Libellus de medicinalibus indorum herbis.
Juan Díez Freyle publishes the first book of Mathematics printed in the American continent.
The Audience and the Bishopric of Nueva Galicia , move from Compostela to Guadalajara.
Ópera medicinalia de Francisco Bravo is published, First book of Medicine printed in America.
Francisco Hernández, Spanish doctor, travels the country and study flora, fauna and products natural, so, later, he writes History of the plants of New Spain.
By arrangement of the viceregal government, the Archbishopric of Mexico.
Establishment of the Tribunal of the Holy Office.
The first Jesuits disembark to evangelize in New Spain.
Fray Bernardino de Sahagún concludes his work General history of the things of the New Spain.
In the New Spain the Royal Hospital of the Epiphany for the attention of blacks, mulattoes and mestizos.
Bartolomé de la Hera performs Spheras of heaven and elemental orbs.
As recorded in the minutes of the Cabildo sessions, Mexico-Tenochtitlán changes its name to Mexico City.
At the request of the cabildo, the Consulate is organized of New Spain.
Hernando de Alvarado Tezozómoc writes in Castilian his Mexican Chronicle.
Foundation of the city of San Luis Potosí, center miner from New Spain.
By royal decree, the Court of Santa is created Crusade.
Publication of La grandeza mexicana, poem of Bernardo de Balbuena, Spanish poet.
By royal decree, the Court of Santa By royal decree, the Court of Saint Crusade is created .
Hernando de Alvarado Tezozómoc writes in Castilian his Mexican Chronicle.
Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, writes comedy The truly suspicious.
The Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico incorporates in its curricula the chairs of Mathematics and Astrology.
Start what is known as the century of depression economic, associated with the fall of the production of silver.
Andrés Pérez de Ribas, Jesuit father, initiates the writing of the work Chronicle and religious history of the Society of Jesus in the New Spain, which concludes in 1654 and remains unpublished until 1896.
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, poet, concludes First dream, work for which it was awarded.
Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora (poet, mathematician, historian and geographer) writes Los misfortunes by Alonso Ramírez, which is a travel story.
Foundation of the College of the Conciliar Seminary of Mexico, an institution created for training of priests.
Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora writes a study about a comet that appeared in the sky of Mexico and made important astronomical calculations that publishes in the astronomical and philosophical Libra.
Eusebio Francisco Kino, Italian father, travels the coast of Baja California, converts indigenous to Christianity and makes geographical observations.
Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora creates the newspaper Mercury Volante.
Fray Agustín de Betancur, Nahuatlato and chronicler franciscano, publishes Mexican Theatro, where makes a detailed detailed description of places of New Spain reporting sales and venteros, hosterías and innkeepers.
Pedro Alarcón, astronomer and mathematician, publishes Forecasts and ephemeris of storms; also raises an iconographic map of the capital of New Spain.
Francisco Sahagún de Arévalo, historian and chronicler of the city of Mexico, founds La Gazeta from Mexico.
Guanajuato obtains the title of city.