Team Nº 4
Brenda Julieta Callecusi Guarachi
Adriana Carrasco Limachi
Gustavo Adolfo Jiménez Eguez -
Chapter I-Socioparticipative Diagnosis
We're going to describe where is located the school in different scopes, like: sociocultural, community, economic and pedagogical. But our focus is gonna be the pedagogical scope so we described how is the organization when the class is developing, What kind of strategies does teacher apply?
Before that, we had elaborate some instruments and apply techniques according with the nevel.
Afterward, team analized, reflect the information to identify some problems, needs and potentialities. -
Pedagogical Contex
The organization school have pedagogical commissions, the parents and students are includes. The school has a wide inftastructure is for that each subject has its classroom. The teacher guide used a text for the development of its unts, These arent interesting or attractive to the student doing the repetitive classes. -
Instruments and Techniques
We used Participatory Action Research Method, because like researcher we need to be part of the context in process' investigation. So, we employed different instruments of investigation, for example: talking map, field diary and observation guides; but about technique we used: observation, focus group, polls semi-structured and in-depth interviews.
Those helped us to make a reading of the school's context so as a result we identifed their needs, potentialities and probematics. -
Identification of problematic, needs and potentialities
a) Needs:
Absence or lack of:
- Furniture for computer room
- Technological equipment.
- Signs for road safety.
b) Problems:
- Students show little attention and interest in learning a foreign language
- Students' tardiness
- Difficulty in the development of the MESCP
- Books decontextualized
- Few teaching materials.
c) Potentialities:
- An extensive infrastructure.
- Accessibility to public transport
- Development of the BTH
- Recreational spaces.
-Public institutions nearby. -
Problematic knot
As a team, we analized and prioritized the problematic:
"Second year high school students from the" Satelite Norte " School show little attention and interest in learning the foreign language (English) during the teaching-learning process" -
Problematic Questions
What are the reasons why students cannot communicate and produce texts in a foreign language?
Why is there a lack of interest in learning a Foreign Language (English)?
How does the lack of attention affect the learning of the Foreign Language (English)?
How important is the learning of the Foreign Language in the educational formation of the student?
What strategies can be implemented to encourage interest in foreign language learning? -
Chapter II: Reflective and Analysis Framework
In this section, We are going to carry out a dialogue with the authors in such a way that we can build knowledge and later develop a proposal that can respond to the prioritized problem.
So, according with the problematic questions we identified five categories and analized them making quotes from different authors -
Identification of categories
Through the problematizing questions, the following categories have been identified:
- Text production
- Disinterest in the learning process
- Attention in the learning process
- Importance of learning English
- Strategies to promote English learning -
Text production
According with our experience in this school, students have developed the writing ability but your progress is for evaluative purposes and teacher didn't pain attention in the main purpose which is students express their opinions, thoughs, feelings and ideas.
So we agree with every word that said Finochiarri (1983).
"Writing should strengthen and help expand listening, speaking and reading skills." -
Attention in the learning process
So, we analyze the problem and consider that attention to learning is the main focus for reflection and improvement through dialogue with the authors.
According to Mora (2017): "We must turn teachers into giraffes, that is, into beings capable of producing curiosity"
Because, if we don't catch the student's attention the learning process don't improve it. -
Disinterest in the learning process
A common problematic that we identified in different school is the disinterest in the learning process of foreign language, so we agree with Calavia (2012) who mentions that "the indices of lack of interest in foreign language learning is one of those that increases considerably" -
Importance of learning English
English language is an important tool to improve our knowledge and to take care of the health of our brain. So we must raise awareness about the importance of English to our students because:
It is a very important language to improve our access to education. It will allow us not only to study abroad but also to access academic information such as essays and scientific texts published in English. (Educativo, s.f.) -
Strategies to promote English learning
Once our prioritized problem is determined, we look for different perspectives of authors, in such a way that as a team we analyze from our experiences to be able to build
our knowledge
"As the set of decisions that the teacher makes to guide teaching in order to promote the learning of their students". (Anijovich & Mora, 2010, pág. 23) -
Purpose: Innovating the teaching of foreign language
To develop and encourage the attention and interest in learning the foreign language, through different innovative didactic strategies and the fusion of teaching methods of a language; which will be developed through electronic learning, to produce basic written and oral texts in which students express their feelings, experiences and ideas in a foreign language to strengthen the interrelation with the actors of the community during the teaching-learning process and develop language skills. -
Chapter III: Methodological framework
We are going to see the following points -
Implementation plan of the methodological design
In this part it will be explained what strategies proposed to be used in the curricular text, such as:
- Mouth point + Ear cup
- Catchching bubbles singing
- Tejiendo los conocimientos y las experiencias vividas
- First lights
- Fogón
- AbraPalabra
- Say in English -
Capacities to be strengthened in the students of the Area and year of schooling.
That students can:
- Express their critical opinions in the target language orally.
- Develop listening skills
- Strengthen writing by expressing your opinions.
- Understand the grammatical structures to develop
- Develop and strengthen creativity
- Use virtual platforms and tools
- Reflect from learning to their environment.
- Practice reading in the target language through the dialogues provided. -
Catching bubbles singing
The name of this strategy is “catching bubbles singing”, because the bubbles will be the words to recognize developing the listening skill and then catch them by writing them strengthening the writing and the means of being able to do so will be through the song provided, which they will be able to follow through reading. -
Mouth point + ear cup (practice)
This strategy consists in that the teacher will give greater emphasis on the pronunciation of the words and motivate the students to repeat
The strategy "Mouth point + Ear cup" will develop listening and speaking skills, using the TPR method. -
Tejiendo nuestros conocimientos y experiencias vividas
This strategy will be present during the development of the entire text in an implicit way, because all teaching provided must be used or employed in different situations of daily life; that is, learn for life. In this strategy, listening and speaking skills will be developed. -
First lights
You will develop the ability of writing through the recognition and practice of the grammatical structure of the demonstrative pronouns, the verb to be and the modal can in its different forms, for the production and reading of basic written texts and also by the name of the book "First lights" which is used by primary school students to learn to read and write their mother tongue. -
The name is due to the fact that stories or stories were told around a campfire in the past, however, we will use this strategy to be able to offer our opinions and reflect on what we have learned from the context of the students' reality through meetings through the virtual tool zoom (virtual mode) and the curricular text (distance mode), which will be our hearth. Developing reading and speking skills -
Say in English
In this strategy, the student will be able to put in writing the information requested in the different activities of the three contents. In this strategy, the fusion of the grammar-translation method can be verified because students are taught to translate from one language to another, but the communicative method is also present because it tries to relate the target language learned in the classroom (vocabulary and grammatical structure) with activities carried out outside of it. -
The name of this strategy is due to the fact that through words and creativity the student can do magic by creating materials that can be shared among all participants such as: creative pictures, illustrative cards. The focus of this strategy is the development of linguistic writing skills because the information has to be used using the different forms of the grammatical structure. -
Products and / or expected results
Intangible products
• Reflections on the topics addressed according to the contents
• Analysis and identification of grammatical structures
• Opinions made in the forums
• The values fostered in the development of the contents
Tangible products
• Creative paintings on Padlet's wall
• Talented videos
• Mini album
• Attention and interest in learning the foreign language (English)
• Development of language skills writing, reading, speaking and listening.