B.C. Europe
Hippocrates a greek physician catigorizes mental illness as a diesease. -
In the middle ages
In this midevil time people let the mentally ill roam free but some catagorized them as witches and possesed. -
Jan 1, 1407
Valencia, Spain
This was probably around the time the first european establishment was made specifically for the mentaly ill. -
Europeans start to isolate the mentally ill and put them in dungeons with chains. -
After the French Revolution
Concern for treatment of the mentally ill grows and several reforms are instituted witht the help of French physician Phillippe Pinel. -
United States and Europe
Dorthea Dix, a U.S. reformer, works to make 32 more state hospitals for the mentaly ill. -
United States
More funding put into treatments at hospitals so it is more humane. -
United States
The primary treatments of mental disoreder becomes "talking cures" or psychoanalytical therapies. Treament for phycosis is custodial treatment. -
United States
Electro-convulsive therapy, surgery, and drugs are used to treat schizophrenia among other mental illnesses. Lobotomy is also introduced to use as a treatment. -
United States
J. F.J. Cade a Australian pyschatrist intorduces the use of lithium to treat psycosis and bipolar disorder. -
United States
A series of anit-psychotic drugs are made to help with schizophrenia and psychosis. -
United States
There is new type of therapy called behavioral therapy for people to overcome their phobias. -
United States
Deinstittutionalization helps witht he over crowding in institutions and helps some mentallu ill people get better witht he help of anti-psychotic drugs. -
United States
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill is founded and helps with the advocacy, support, eduction, and much more for the mentally ill. -
United States
New anti-psychotic drugs are made that are more effective with less side effects.