Memorable Moments

By halkid
  • Birth Day

    Birth Day
    I was born on July 1st 2001 at St. Josheph's medical hospital at 1:30 am. It was important because I was born. Also it showed that I could become anything I sout out to be.
  • First Word

    First Word
    When I was nine months old I spoke my first word "Mommy." Its important because it was my first word, its where my vocabulary started. It also showed that I did learn and develope and I could be very successful in life.
  • Skiing

    At the age of 3 I started skiing. This is important to me because it gave me time to do something that I love with somone that I love in my life. I now plan to join the high school ski team this year.
  • First video games

    First video games
    I started playing video games at the age of 4 and I have continued even into the MLG (Major League Gaming) playoffs. Now most of the time I dont really play in MLG but it was fun while it lasted.
  • Baseball

    I started playing baseball when I was five. This is important to me because it is now my favorite sport to play. Also it has shown me that I am not a nerd that all I do is play video games.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    I attended kindergarten at Davisburg elementary. Where I found one of my favorite teachers. This is important because the start of my education.
  • First major injury

    First major injury
    I had my first serious angle injury while playing baseball one summer evening. This is important to me because it taught me to be more cautious when playing baseball. Also not to try and dive the ball on very wet grass.
  • First and only sister

    First and only sister
    This is the day i became a new brother my only sibling Brookelynn made this a special day in my life. She is very nice and she is now 7. She always cares about me not matter what I do.
  • Dirtbike

    I was given my first dirtbike and became an experinced rider. It is important because I gained a lot more convidence in my self with riding. It has also showed me that there is a lot more excitment in life.
  • Trumpet

    I started playing trumpet and guitar, I did not enjoy playing an instrument as much as I do. Glad I stuck with it as of now I am in Marching Band
  • My first kitten

    My first kitten
    On my tenth birthday I rescued a kitten from a Detriot shelter. I never knew i could enjoy having a pet so much. She is just so sweet, I love her so much!
  • Scouting

    I recieved the highest award in cub scouts, the Arrow of Light, I crossed over into boy scout troop 192 and I am looking for to acheiving the rank of Eagle Scout. When i obtain this rank it will really help me in life in very tough situations not matter what people say about me.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    Leaving Davisburg El. after 7 years recieved presidential academic award, very suprised, a little apprhensive about changing to the middle school. I was really excited to go to middle school because I knew that it could change me.
  • Middle school

    Middle school
    Leaving Karl Richter campus, horrible school, and starting 8th grade at Sherman middle school, only 1 more year until i become a highschooler. High school was and is the best the best experince I have ever had.
  • High school

    High school
    I started at Holly High school and hope that this will be the begining of 4 enjoyable years! I am so excited for these next 4 years and I cant wait to see what they have in store for me. I plan to get all A's so I can get to the school I want to, University of Michigan.