Memoir Timeline

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
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    First memory of my siblings and parents

    When I was about 2-3 years old I was running through a public garden, then fell. My mom and sister helped me up. On my had was huge scar.
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    My First Memory of School

    From when I first started school, until now I remember that I've always loved the game "Cops and Robbers." A game where you run a lot. However, I don't play the game anymore.
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    Saddest Childhood Memory

    When I was around 5-6 a box TV fell on top of me.
  • Leaving Canada

    Leaving Canada
    When I left Canada to Korea with my mom to live with my dad, I was honestly happy that I wasn't living with my sister anymore. But after a few years I realised that I've actually started to miss her.
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  • Childhood Event that had the most Impact on my life

    Childhood Event that had the most Impact on my life
    When I first came to Korea in 3rd grade was a really big transition for me because the education system was different. Fortunately, I'm used to it now.
  • SFBS to YISS

    SFBS to YISS
    When I first came to Korea, I was educated at SFBS for only a year, before I came to YISS. SFBS and YISS are very different schools.
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    Things outside of school that have an impact on my life

    Texting my friends just have this impact on my life outside of school because things happen sometimes and it affects your life.
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  • Poetry

    I used to always write personal poems everyday.
  • Skype

    Even though this may sound a little stupid, Skype has actually led me to interact more with classmates outside of school.
  • Independence

    When middle school started, because so much changed. But I think that my answer will be mostly this year. Hoping that things will change this year, because last year was pretty rough.
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  • Week Without Walls (2015-2016)

    Week Without Walls (2015-2016)
    Last year's Week Without Walls were one of the best moments with my friends. Especially break time.
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  • Art

    This year I started to draw again by myself and I found out that I was into realistic art. Art became one of my favourite hobbies.