Melting Pot of America

  • European Immigration

    Europeans began to migrate over to the United States, after most countries in the world had gained their independence from Europe.
  • French Immigration

    Many French citizens migrated to the United States to work mainly in the New England area of the United States
  • German Imigration

    Many Germans came over to the United States, by boarding large steamboats to sail across the ocean.
  • African Immigration

    Due to Slave ships, Africans began to migrate over to the United States on boats, most of them not by their free will.
  • Black Codes

    Black codes were placed on African Americans, after they were freed, to stop them from progressing to more freedom
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Everyone born in the United States, regardless of race, are entitled to US Constitution Rights
  • Citizenship Clause

    In the first line of the 14th amendment, it states that all persons born in the United States, are subject to jurisdiction in the United States.
  • Spanish Immigration

    The Spanish began to immigrate to the United States, to leave what was happening over in Spain