Period: Nov 22, 1440 to Nov 23, 1449
Invention of the Printing Press
Nov 22, 1453
Fall of Constantinople
Nov 22, 1492
Ferdinand and Isabella complete the Reconquista
Period: Nov 22, 1492 to Nov 23, 1502
Voyages of Christopher Columbus
Period: Nov 22, 1494 to Nov 23, 1559
The Italian Wars (Hapsburg-Valois Wars)
Period: Dec 5, 1500 to
Witch Trials
Period: Nov 22, 1508 to Nov 23, 1512
Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel
Nov 22, 1513
Machiavelli publishes The Prince
Nov 22, 1517
Martin Luther’s 95 Theses
Period: Nov 22, 1525 to
Price Revolution
Nov 22, 1532
African slave trade begins
Nov 22, 1534
Act of Supremacy
Dec 5, 1543
Nicolaus Copernicus publishes On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
Period: Nov 22, 1545 to Nov 23, 1563
Council of Trent
Nov 22, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
Spanish Armada
Edict of Nantes
Dutch East India Company established
Trial of Galileo
René Descartes publishes Discourse on Method
Period: to
English Civil War
Period: to
Reign of Louis XIV
Peace of Westphalia
Period: to
Agricultural Revolution
French Royal Academy founded
Thomas Hobbes publishes The Leviathan
Period: to
First British Navigation Acts
Edict of Nantes revoked
René Descartes publishes Discourse on Method
Period: to
Glorious Revolution
John Locke publishes Second Treatise on Government
Period: to
Growth of cottage industry
Peace of Utrecht
Montesquieu, Persian Letters
Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws
Period: to
Diderot, Encyclopedia
Rousseau, The Social Contract; Emile
Treaty of Paris (Seven Years War)
Smith The Wealth of Nations
Period: to
Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Condorcet, The Progress of the Human Mind