
  • 3.3- Social Comparison

    Young adolescents are more likely than children to compare themselves with others and to understand that others are making comparisons about them. I remember when I was an adolescent, I tended to compare myself with others like the way they were dressed, hairstyles, skin, and how they played sports. I tend to think they are better than me or I would even try to be like them. It can lead me to self-consciousness. My parents would tell me to stop copying them and I am my own person!
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    I think this date is appropriate because this is the day when I turned 13, I remember getting my period that year. As the book mentions the transition from childhood to adolescence is when we start to stay up later at night and sleep later in the morning. We make decisions that are filled with risk, especially when I am with my peers. I desire to spend more time with my peers than with my family. That is what made me an adolescent, and my transition matches pages 16-17.
  • 2.2 Niche Picking

    I am active niche picking because back in high school, I seek to be an athlete and I put myself in different sports such as volleyball, cheerleading, and softball. Another example is that I seek leadership, so I put myself to run for class president. I do not think those choices might have influenced my genes because my parents are the complete opposite of me. The environment has influenced my development to seek more opportunities. I like to be in environment where there are a lot of people.
  • 6.1- Parent Adolescent Conflict

    The material matches my conflict with the text because it mentions about intense response to your parents’s comments toward you. I remember when I had this phase where I was so into leggings with socks going over it and went to school like that. My mom would give me a look I would respond back with an intense tone like, it doesn't look good on me?? I like this, leave me alone!!! This causes me to have problems with my mom. I did not like my mom's opinion on things I wanted to wear.
  • 8.1- Rite of Passage

    The book mentions about “Maturity.” The transition from adolescence to adulthood. Some religious and social groups, however, have initiation ceremonies that indicate an advance in maturity. I remember when I got my period at 13 years old, my family celebrated getting a period because I am officially a woman now! Yes, it matches the idea of transition to “adulthood” It shows that I am now mature for many things meaning my parents expect more from me, and expect me to take responsibility!
  • 3.1- Social Cognition

    Teenagers can feel like they are always being watched and evaluated by others- even when they are not, and they are overthinking about it is known as their imaginary audience. That can cause them to experience self-consciousness and feel judged because they keep believing that everyone is observing and judging them. Formal operational can contribute to that by making them think abstractly, can think about what others might be thinking, considering how they might be perceived or judged.
  • 3.2- Abstraction

    I remember when I was thinking abstractly and in idealistic ways. When people asked me how I would describe myself back in high school, I would say what they see in me not what I see in myself like I am funny, athletic, and sweet. the real self that I see myself is that am strong-minded, extroverted, and adventurous. That is my real self but I distinguish myself between the real self and my ideal self. Piaget theory about adolescents begins to think in more abstract and idealistic ways.
  • “2.1 Maturational Timing.”

    According to the text about early and later matures. It mentions that Early-maturing girls are more likely to smoke, drink, struggle for earlier independence from their parents, and have older friends. I am an early maturer, and I feel the text is accurate as I did all those things when I was younger. It would be much different if I matured much later. I won't be used to smoking, drinking, etc as much as I am now. I will maybe try them now in college instead of high school.
  • 4.1 Gender intensification

    According to the book, Gender Intensification Theory pubertal changes can lead boys and girls to conform to traditional masculine and feminine behavior, respectively. The adolescent developmental transition, then, may be seen as a bridge between the asexuality of childhood and the fully developed sexual identity of adulthood. I have this one friend who always dressed up like a tomboy and ended up later in his adulthood, he is transgender and transitioned from female to male.
  • 7.2- Transition to College

    My transition from high school to college matches the concept in the text as it mentions that students are more likely to feel grown up have more subjects from which to select, have more time to spend with peers, have more opportunities to explore different lifestyles and values, enjoy greater independence from parental monitoring, and may be more challenged intellectually by academic work. College is a place where I feel more open-minded, and become more understanding of real-world problems.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    I think this date is appropriate because this is the day when I turned 19. I had just graduated from high school and was halfway through my first year of college. As the book mentions the transition from adolescence to adulthood is when I start exploring the career path that I want to follow, as I changed my major several times already! Also, I accept responsibility for myself and am capable of making my own decisions. That is what made me an adult and my transition matches the book.
  • 7.3- Intrinsic Motivation

    I remember being promoted from regular VEE mentor to senior VEE mentor with higher pay which enhanced my leadership skills. I think that is my motivation as I feel honored to be in that kind of position as I competed with other vee mentors who wanted to be Senior VEE mentors. This affected my achievement by making me know that I want to be a boss lady someday! This has affected my leadership skills, increased my knowledge at Gallaudet University, and increased my communication skills!