Hogwarts castle

Medieval Times

  • 527

    Justinian Becomes the Ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire

    Justinian Becomes the Ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire
    He comes to power with the goal of establishing power in the Meditterranean Region.
  • Jul 20, 610

    Muhammad Recieves First Messages

    Muhammad Recieves First Messages
  • Sep 13, 622

    Year One of the Islamic Calendar

    Year One of the Islamic Calendar
    Muhammad makes the first Hijrah, or the journey to Madinah
  • Sep 13, 630

    Muhammad Returns to Mekkah

    Muhammad Returns to Mekkah
    Muhammad Return with a force of ten thousand men. The city quickly surrendered to his force. Most of the townspeople converted to a new faith. Muhammad declares in a new shrine of islam.
  • Oct 12, 632

    Abu Bakr Becomes First Caliph

    Abu Bakr Becomes First Caliph
  • Sep 13, 636

    The Arabs Defeat Byzantine

    The Arabs Defeat Byzantine
    In the midst of a dust storm, the Arabs under Abu Bakr enabled Arabs to take enemies by surprise.
  • Sep 13, 650

    Arabs Have Conquered the Persian Empire

    Arabs Have Conquered the Persian Empire
  • Sep 18, 661


    Center of Muslim Empire
  • Dec 3, 661

    Umayyads Establish Islamic Empire

    Umayyads Establish Islamic Empire
  • Sep 13, 732

    Europeans Defeat Arabs at the Battle of Tours

    Europeans Defeat Arabs at the Battle of Tours
  • Sep 13, 750

    Abbasid Dynasty Comes to Power

    Abbasid Dynasty Comes to Power
  • Nov 22, 762


    Baghdad becomes the center of the Muslim Empire
  • Sep 13, 1055

    Turks Capture Bagdhad

    Turks Capture Bagdhad
    Turkish leader captured Bagdhad and took contol of the empire. His title was Sultan.
  • Sep 14, 1099

    Crusades Begin

    Crusades Begin
    This was the first crusade by the Catholic Church. It was also known as the only sucessful one. The cursaders captured Jerusalem.
  • Sep 14, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was signed and approved in Runneymede at this point. It estbalishes a new set of rules for the king to obey, lessening the power of the king and his rule.
  • Sep 13, 1258

    Mongols Capture Bagdhad

    Mongols Capture Bagdhad
  • Sep 18, 1258


    Cairo becomes the center of the Muslim Empire
  • Sep 14, 1347

    Black Death Begins to Devastate Europe

    Black Death Begins to Devastate Europe
    The black death begins to spread throughout Europe wiping out a large number of people
  • Sep 14, 1453

    End of the Byzantine Empire

    End of the Byzantine Empire
  • Jerusalem Falls to Musilim Forces Under Saladin

    Jerusalem Falls to Musilim Forces Under Saladin
    Muslims began to strike back on the crusaders and eventually won the holy land back.
  • Feudalism Takes Form

    Feudalism Takes Form
    Charlemagne dies, and his empire begins to fall aprart. Over time, emphaisis was placed on social or political position leading eventually to Feudalism.