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Medieval china

  • 206

    The Silk Road

    The Silk Road was a trading during the Han dynasty. Agriculture,Handcrafts,and commerce were well developed too.
  • 221

    Qin Dynasty

    The Qin Dynasty is important because they were the one who started building the the Great Wall Of China. The founder of the Qin dynasty is Qinshihuang.
  • 265

    Jin Dynasty (western)

    The founder of the Western Jin Dynasty was simayan. TheJin Dynasty was known for Tomb Fresco.
  • 475

    Warring period

    During, the Warring State period it was a total disaster. Between (250) they kept fighting each other it was a total disaster.
  • 475

    Imperial Era

    Imperial Era is the first dynasty xia dynasty. They had slave society and other things to. Not just slave..
  • 581

    Sui Dynasty

    The Sui Dynasty was a good place were people used to rule for 37 years. Over a good amount of the region.
  • Dec 15, 1368

    Ming Dynasty

    The Ming Dynasty was the one that continued the great wall of china to expand a lot more to surround the barrier of china.