Medical inventions

  • Public AEDs

    Public AEDs
    Physiologist Jean Louis Prevost $ Frederic Batelli first tested this on a dog. The first human subject was in 1947. This was called the automated external defibrillator. AEDs check a victims heart rhythm using adhesive electrodes to check if its needed. A recorded voice gives instructions to press a shock button sending a shock, stunning the heart momentarily which gives the heart a chance to continue beating. If a person goes into cardiac arrest in a public place they can get help faster.
  • Immunotherapy for Cancer treatment

    Immunotherapy for Cancer treatment
    This was discovered by Dr. William Coley around 1919. This treatment is done by using the power of the the immune system of the patients to fight the disease with the help of a drug.. This treatment allows those patients to be able to live much longer.
  • Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI)

    Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI)
    This was invented in 1930 by Stafford Warren. This is a test that uses radioactive tracers and a special camera to detect cancer cells in the breast. This was invented because breast cancer was one of the top killing disease for women. When cancer is detected at an early sate, the person would have a way better survival percentage. This invention has saved many, many female lives.
  • Anti-Smoking Laws

    Anti-Smoking Laws
    In the early 1970s, US surgeon General Jesse L Steinfeld declared non-smokers should have the right to breathe clean air inside buildings. These laws allow those who don't smoke to not be put at risk by the smoke. Smoking can cause lung cancer, and rot the teeth. Secondhand smoke is just as bad and can cause the same amount of damage.
  • Gene Editing

    Gene Editing
    This was first discovered in 1973, by Herb Boyer and Stanley Cohen. This is the ability to change specific genes in the DNA by using enzymes. Scientist want to use this ability to treat disease or alter traits. A scientist in China had recently done this experiment in late 2018. He edited the traits in two embryos to make them immune to the HIV virus.
  • Hepatitas C cure

    Hepatitas C cure
    Invented by Michael Sofia an industry scientist. Although it was invent in 1990, the food and drug administration didn't approve of it until 2013. Hepatitis C affects about 3.5 million Americans. Sovaldi became one of Americans best selling drug.
  • HIV Cocktail

    HIV Cocktail
    This experiment was invented in 1990 but didn't succeed until 1996. Dr. David Ho wanted to change the fact on how being diagnosed was practically a death sentence since there was no cure. He had found if he gave patients a combination of instead of one antiretroviral the HIV virus because it didn't allow the virus to mutate rapidly enough to overcome all the drugs. This impacts medicine greatly because it meant the death rate dropped way down.
  • Robotic surgery

    Robotic surgery
    This was founded by Frederic Moll in 1990. This is called Intuitive surgery. Intuitive surgery allows surgeons to do more types of complex procedures with caution, flexibility, and control. The surgeon will be able to get a 3D view of the body. This will have fewer complications, less pain and blood loss, Faster recovery, and smaller scars on the body.
  • Eyewriter Technology

    Eyewriter Technology
    The eye writer was invented by a group of people who later opensource the invention to allow others to edit it. This invention was made specifically for those who had Lou Gehrig's disease, aka Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. People who have this disease become immobilized and only communicate with their eyes. This product is used by an ALS patient to write and/or draw with their eyes. This affects medicine and health because it allows those patients to be able to communicate.
  • Artificial Pancreas (APS)

    Artificial Pancreas (APS)
    Dana Lewis invented it for type 1 diabetes. The APS allows people with type 1 diabetes to get better sleep by making corrections of high or low blood sugar. Usually people with this disease are woken up in the night to fix their high or low blood sugar.