Medical Advancements

  • Anti-Smoking Stoppers

    Anti-Smoking Stoppers
    Nicotine replacement therapy, medication
    Encourages individuals to quit smoking
    Restore their overall health, ceases them from damaging their lungs, and can prevent others from being exposed to second hand smoke
  • Telehealth doctor visits

    Telehealth doctor visits
    Used first with NASA, Telehealth provides health care to various locations where services are unavailable, allows them to expand the range of patients they treat.
    Will let people receive the treatment they need, no matter the distance, it l expand the health care industry.
  • Laser surgery

    Laser surgery
    Dr. Stephen Trokel with R. Srinivasan created laser surgery
    An example of lasers being used in surgery is Lasik’s, which is using lasers to correct eye abnormalities or poor sight.
    Has improved outcomes of various procedures , that limits the recovery time
  • Gene Editing

    Gene Editing
    Discovered by Jennifer Doudna, Emmanuelle Charpentier
    is able to customize the genetic makeup of living organisms, to be able to correct genetic mistakes
    Can improve the overall population for years to come by modifying genes and overall avoiding genetic mistakes
    23- and me
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    Initially led by James Watson , recorded the 3 billion Human genome pairs DNA base pairs , Provided Human genomes to the internet to the public freely it has initiated various research and new understandings with the human genes
  • Augmented reality

    Augmented reality
    Thomas P Caudell developed augmented reality that
    Provides the user with a interactive computer generated image
    Can be used to train people while reducing risks and costs
  • Synthetic Cells

    Synthetic Cells
    Craig Venter
    Creates synthetic cells
    Can be used for various medicines, and substitutes at a cellular level instead of using transplants
  • 23 and M

    23 and M
    Anne Wojcicki, Linda Avey Paul Cusenza
    Provides your ancestry for example where your ancestors originated from , and what influences your genes.
    Educates you of clinical trial eligibility, which drugs to avoid, and your carrier status
  • Bionic eyes

    Bionic eyes
    Dr. Humayun developed
    Retinal implants
    which replicates the functions of retinas and will be able to
    Restore the ability to see for people severe vision loss
  • Seizure Soppers

    Seizure Soppers
    Frank Fischer Developed
    NeuroPace's Responsive Neurostimulation System which
    Alerts future epileptic seizures, it
    Will be helpful to avoid epileptic episodes that could otherwise be detrimental even deadly