Medical advancements

By hinrick
  • Public AED's

    Public AED's
    The portable version of an AED was discovered and first used in the mid 1960’s. Frank Patridge created this portable emergency treatment for people struggling with cardiac arrests. People who are diagnosed with sudden cardiac arrest are at constant risk of having a life threatening stroke. These public and portable AED’s are crucial to these patients lives.
  • Immunotherapy fro Cancer Treatment

    Immunotherapy fro Cancer Treatment
    Immunotherapy was created in the 19th century by William B. Coley but resurfaced in 1971. Immunotherapy boosts natural immunity to cancers. And controls the growth of tumors, cancer cells. This could later lead to the possibility of a cure to cancer.
  • HIV Cocktail

    HIV Cocktail
    In 1995, shortly after the discovery of AIDS, was created by a mixture of different drugs that weren’t strong enough to treat HIV alone. This HIV Cocktail is a new way of thinking that founded the cure to a deadly disease, HIV, and was discovered by William H. Prusoff. It is said that thanks to the HIV Cocktail many new therapies for chronic diseases are to be discovered.
  • Robotic Surgery

    Robotic Surgery
    Robotic surgery isn’t an actual large incision surgery that could be potentially dangerous to the patient, but it creates and completes smaller incisions needed during a surgery. This was created in 2000 the system was approved shortly after it was invented in 1999.
  • Non-smoking Laws

    Non-smoking Laws
    In 2004, finalized in all states, non- smoking laws accomplished and improved everyone’s health without the need of an actual hospital. Non-smoking laws created the Clear Air Act that keeps people from smoking in enclosed public places, this reduces endangerment to other people who don’t smoke. The non-smoking laws were created by each state government but have to follow the basic rules set my federal government.
  • Hep C Cure

    Hep C Cure
    Created in 2007, the FDA approved the drug in 2011. Michael Sofia invented the Hep C curable pill called sofosbuvir/ Solvaldi. This pill reduces the amount of Hep C Virus and works best with other antivirals.
  • Eye Writer Technology

    Eye Writer Technology
  • Artificial Pancreas Device

    Artificial Pancreas Device
    In 2013, Dana Lewis created the 1st artificial Pancreas device. This device monitors blood sugar and provides insulin doses to the patient.
  • Molecular Breast Imaging

    Molecular Breast Imaging
    Michael K. O’ Connor created the Molecular Breast Imaging technology. This major study was finalized in 2015. This invention detects breast cancers faster and more adequately than ever before. Through the basic structure of mammograms, this complex version provides better understanding of the cancer, this works by an injection that the tumor absorbs therefore is can show up better on the imaging which uses gamma rays.
  • Genetic Editing

    Genetic Editing
    November 2017, Jennifer Doudna created a scientific and technological invention that wasn’t even dreamt of. Genetic editing. Genetic editing simply just changes to human genetics/ DNA to fit certain wanted traits for survival or appearance.