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Medical Advancements

  • Stem Cell Research

    Stem Cell Research
    James Tomson created stem cell research in 1998. It advanced greatly in 2014, a stem cell research clinical trail was used to treat chronic spinal illness. This can advance medicine to get a better understanding of the human body, treat different illnesses not available to do with healthcare medicine.
  • Robotic Surgery

    Robotic Surgery
    Invented in 2000 by the company computer motion. This has helped healthcare by, letting surgeons preform harder surgeries with more precision, flexibility, and control. This machine is usually used through minimally invasive surgeries. This technology has advanced in the equipment the use.
  • Artificial Liver

    Artificial Liver
    The artificial liver was invented by Dr. Kenneth Matsumara in 2001. The artificial liver “allows people with liver disease to receive the improved liver function that comes with liver transplant without undergoing the procedure” (Mayo Clinic). This has advanced over the years by the different ways by the way it is inserted and the benefits of it. This has helped the healthcare field by giving patients less pain and surgeries due to the medical advancement.2
  • HIV Cocktail

    HIV Cocktail
    First HIV cocktail used and conducted was in 2002 on November 7th invented by, David Da-I Ho. This is used to help make patients not be able to contract HIV other people, improve survival rate, help restore CD4 counts and help function immune system, and reduce complications form HIV. This has helped healthcare by, creating a bigger survival rates, and treating patients more effectively.
  • Health Tracker Apps

    Health Tracker Apps
    Apps tracks heart rates, dieting, weight loss coaching, sleep cycle analysis, menstrual period tracking, pregnancy, chloric intake, gathers workout idea. Each app platforms have their own creator, this concept was first made in 2005 when "My Fitness Pal" was created. Advancements made by the distinct way people are able to manage their health and body, social media, and smartphones. It also helps doctors because we are much more willing to be honest to our phones than a doctor.
  • Face Transplant

    Face Transplant
    The first face transplant was in November 27, 2005 by Bernard Devauchelle in France. This replaces a face that is disfigured from birth, illness or an accident. This happens transplanting a donor’s face that has passed away onto someone who needs it. This has helped healthcare by, improving functioning of a patients face and restores someone’s appearance.
  • Bionic Prosthetics

    Bionic Prosthetics
    In 2007 touch bionics created the first bionic hand. “The iLIMB Hand is controlled by the electric signals its wearer creates by moving the muscles in the residual limb” (“Prosthetics for the 21st Century”). They help healthcare by giving the patients a life they lost, it also helps healthcare by the abilities it plays on a patient, causing less checkups. This advanced tec. has shaped a part of the heath care field absolutely.
  • Anti-Smoking Laws

    Anti-Smoking Laws
    These are laws that prevent you from smoking in a private place. In 2009 studies show that from these anti-smoking laws there were fewer heart problems from the places that these laws were conducted. “researchers found a per-capita drop of 33% in the number of heart attacks in the county, and a 17% drop in the number of sudden cardiac deaths” (“Smoke-free laws are saving lives”). 2002 Delaware passed the first anti-smoking law
  • Molecular breast imaging (MBI)

    Molecular breast imaging (MBI)
    This machine is used to detect breast cancer, uses a radioactive tracer that “lights up” and areas of cancer in the breast. This is a nuclear medicine technique. Breast cancer is one of the most cancer cases in women. Michael K O’Connor, Ph.D. is the inventor behind the molecular breast imager, and it was invented in 2010. This has advanced by finding breast cancer sooner and being able to analyze the cancer better. Over the years more women have caught their breast cancer sooner.
  • Immunotherapy for cancer

    Immunotherapy for cancer
    Immunotherapy for cancer helps cancer patient’s immune system better recognize the cancer to be able to attack it better. This attacks healthy cells to causing side effects for the patient. There are different kinds of it, checkpoint inhibiters, adoptive cell transfer, monoclonal antibodies, treatment vaccines, cytokines, and BCG. This was first created in November 23, 2015. Helps healthcare by being able to fight cancer more efficiently. Invented by Robert coffin.