
Medical adavancements

  • immunotherapy for cancer treatments

    immunotherapy for cancer treatments
    Cancer immunotherapy is the artificial stimulation of the immune system to treat cancer, improving on the system's natural ability to fight cancer. It is an application of the research of cancer immunology and a growing of oncology. immunotherapy was Interview with Robert Coffin, inventor of T-VEC: the first oncolytic immunotherapy approved for the treatment of cancer.
  • 3D printing Body Parts

    3D printing Body Parts
    This is Researchers are tinkering with kidney and liver tissues, skin, bones, and cartilage, as well as the networks of blood vessels needed to keep body parts alive. They have implanted printed ears, and also muscles, into animals and watched these integrate properly with their hosts.
  • Robotic Surgery

    Robotic Surgery
    Is surgery using mechanical arms controlled by the surgeon and barring surgical instruments and a camera.This was invented by AESOP by computer motion.
  • Stem cells

    Stem cells
    These are cells that that have the potential to develop into to many different types of cells. There are 4 different types here are just 2 of them there is embryonic cells and adult cells. Stem cells were developed by Dr. James Till , and Ernest McCulloch in Canada.
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    It was the international scientific research project with the goal of determining the sequence of nucleotide base pairs to make up human DNA. This was invented by Artisides Patrinos succeeded Galas and Frances Collin succeeded James Watson.
  • Facial Transplant

    Facial Transplant
    what is facial transplants?? A facial transplant is a medical procedure to replace all or part of a persons face using tissue from a donor. The person who “invented” or first performed this procedure is the world's first partial face transplant on a living human was carried out on November 27, 2005 by a team of surgeons led by Professor Jean-Michel Dubernardand Professor Bernard Devauchelle in Amiens, France.
  • Anti-Smoking Law

    Anti-Smoking Law
    What that laws is saying is smoking is prohibited in workplaces and public places, smoking is a safety and health regulation. It was the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009, and the ACA of 2010.
  • Bionic prosthetics

    Bionic prosthetics
    Is engineers designed the Bionic Man to enable several of its human-dependent parts to operate without a body. The person who invented it was Dubas Parmalee
  • Telehealth Dr visits

    Telehealth Dr visits
    Telehealth is best known as the use of electronic information and telecommunications to promote and support long distance clinical health care, invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
  • Artificial Pancreas

    Artificial Pancreas
    The artificial pancreas is a technology in development to help people with diabetes, primarily type 1, automatically and continuously control their blood glucose level by providing the substitute endocrine functionality of a healthy pancreas. Dana Lewis invented the Artificial Panceas