Media - Music Magazine

  • Period: to


  • Research and Planning

    All research and planning completed. Evidence of all of these tasks should be on your blog, clearly labelled and with images and video embeds wherever possible. Some of the work will be done in class, some of it out of class - it will be my responsibility to make sure you've done all the research and planning you need.
  • Performers and Casting

    By this date I will have orgasnised the people who are going to be photographed for your magazine.
  • Costumes and Props

    By this date I will have shown I have organised what costumes and props I will need for the photographs. I will have a table shown on my blog showing the item with the source and potential cost. It will also include whether I am responsible for the item or someone who I am casting is.
  • Shot List

    Identified all the shots I am going to be taking.
  • Risk Assessment

    I am going to have completed the risk assessment by the 6th January so I can take my pictures ready for my magazine.
  • Photographs

    Taken pictures by the end of the week - Friday 6th January.
  • Update

    By the 20th Janurary I will have finished my front cover and started my contents page, on either Photoshop/InDesign.