Media Coursework

  • Period: to

    Media Coursework

  • Research Case studies

    planning: textual analysis of real music magazines (two), audience research
  • LSC Magazine

    make pages of a music magazine: Front page/Contents page. Original photography: midshot of student
  • Audience feedback/evaluation

    gather comments on magazine, write an evaluation using feedback.
  • Magazine newsstand/distribution of magazines

    go to a newsstand and take picture to see how magazines are displayed. research other magazine distribution methods e.g social media.
  • Drafting and finalizing house styles, drafts and layouts

    write short proposal about magazine. house style sheets include masthead design layout for front cover, dps and contents page. individually draft questions to use in dps.who is the publisher who are your audience(audience profile) do a formal pitch also learn to use dslr camera
  • audience research task

    evaluate audience feedback from pitch. make any changes to plans blog about this in half term
  • Photography

    make photo call sheet for teacher before shooting pictures. minimum of four images. book the studio A1 in advance location shoots you can borrow a camera, have one assistant. make contact sheets.
  • Rough draft

    rought draft of task 9
  • Desk top publishing/editing magazine

    use photoshop and indesign for front cover,dps and contents. do contents first using flat plan. print screen for blog evaluate.
  • audience research/music magazine

    gather feedback about magazine strengths weaknesses and compare to drafts and plans
  • planning evaluation

    what ways does your product use develop or challenge conventions of real products. how does your product represent social groups. what institution will distribute your product. who is the audience. how do you attract them. what have you learnt. have you progressed over christmas re draft answers.
  • creating evaluation

    answer evaluation questions for real using different technologies. review week on 25th of january
  • Final

    all work uploaded to blog for exam board.