Mecca timeline

  • 570

    Mecca at the time of Muhammad's birth

    Mecca at the time of Muhammad's birth
    -part of Arabian Peninsula
    -people lived there because it had a spring
    -at around the time of his birth as well it was a place of an yearly pilgrimage, Kaaba
    -Kaaba which was cube shaped building that they had 360 deity's
  • 571

    Muhammad's Early Life

    -parents die when he was young grew up with his clan, which was for the most part his uncle, Abu Talib
    - his uncle was a trader so Muhammad traveled with his uncle and was considered a trustworthy trader
  • Dec 1, 610

    Struggles in Mecca

    -his first convert to Islam was his wife
    -not many people converted to Islam between 610-622 AD
    -revelations began to downfall
    -his novels ideas gave discontent for Meccans
  • Dec 12, 622

    Hijra: Return to Mecca

    -Muhammad negotiated truce with Meccan's in 628

    -Meccan's broke truce later, so Muhammad brung a large force so Meccan's had to surrender in 630
    -he returned back to Mecca in 632 for one last pilgrimage, in doing so, made a ritual turn into a celebration called Hajj