Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
-Fundemental rights do to process of law.
-Limited monarch's powers (king)
-Trial by jury -
Mayflower Compact
-First frame work of government
-Lost to the Revolutionary War
-Fled from kings -
Petiton Of Rights
-Limits kings powers -
Navigation Act
-restriction of forein ships for trade
-Protect colonial inrests
-Siftted colonial manufacturing -
English Bill Of Rights
-Levying money with out government consent
-Free parloment
-Prevent abuse from future monarchs
-Freedom of speech
-No standing arm -
Proclamation of 1763
-Closed down colonial expantion west ward
-Government forced to buy Native land -
The Sugar Act
-Merchants had to pay taxes on foregin molases
-Imported and exported iron and lumber -
Stamp Act
-Restricted colinest
-Law required tax stamps are legal
-Documents on buisness agreements -
Boston Tea Party
-Act of rebelion/protest against taxes
-Colonists veiwed as taxation try ran by -
1st Continetal Congress
-Denounced the Intolerable acts -
First Shot Fired
-British troops sent to confiscate colonial wepons
-Seise arms cache
-British retreatel -
Coercive Acts
-Took away self government
-Protests/rebelion -
2nd Continetal Congress
-Reacted Declaration of Right -
The Declaration of Independence
-Annouced independece
-Now known as the 4th of July!