
By arh4147
  • declaration of independance

    declaration of independance
    on 1776 the delaration was created
  • Period: to

    The civil war

    A war between the states. booth sides had to do with slavery. The side that did not want slavery was the union or the north. And the south side did as the confederacey.
  • when slaves were released

    when slaves were released
    The emancipation proclmatiomn was official document that gave rights to slaves .
  • Abraham Lincons assasination

    Abraham Lincons assasination
    Abrahm was in the Ford theater when this event happend. He was also killd by Jhon Wilkes Booth
  • the Great Deprssion

    the Great Deprssion
    The great depression was a horrible time. People had to leave there homes and live in tents.
  • Period: to

    world war 2

    world war 2 started on Sep. 1 and ended on the 9 of may and was 9 years after the great depression.
  • my birthday

    my birthday
    my birth dayis july 27