Battle of Cheat Mountain
Battle of Rich Mountain
This battle was fought in Rich Mountain, Virginia. The Union were victorious. -
Battle of Carnifex Ferry
This battle was fought in West Virgina. The Union was victoirous -
Battle of Ball's Bluff
The only sitting U.S. member of Congress to be killed in battle died at Ball’s Bluff. The Confederates were victorious. -
Battle of Fort Henry
First significant Union victory of the Civil War. This battle took place in Tenesse. The Union Army had 15,000 while the Confederates had 3,000. -
Battle of Memphis
The Union claims Memphis, Tenesse. The Union is victorious. -
Battle of Praire Grove
This battle was fought in Arkansas. The Union army was victorious in this battle. The two armies lost about 2,700 soldiers who were lost, killed, or wounded. -
Battle of Raymond
In the battle of Raymond, the Union army was victorious. The Confederates had 2,500 men while the Union army had 10,000 men. 140 Confederate soldiers died in this battle. -
Second Battle of Fort Wagner
The Confederate Army were succesful in this battle. The Union's army officer was killed in this battle. -
Battle of Bristoe Station
The Union army was succesful in this battle. The Union lost 546 men in this battle while the Confederate army lost 1,400 men. -
Battle of Fort Pillow
This battle was fought in Tenesse. The Confederates were succeful. -
Battle of Selma
The Union army was succesful. This battle was fought in Alabama.