
Maxine's World War 1 C.A.T.

  • Archduke Assassination

    Archduke Assassination
    The Austro-Hungarian archduke, Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo.
  • Austria declares war on Serbia

    Austria spends the month between the assassination and this date making sure that Germany will back them and fight for them.
  • Russia gets involved.

    Germany declares war on Russia. Austria-Hungary knows that Serbia has Russia backing them up and ready to fight.
  • War declared on France

    Germany declares war on France and is denied permission to cross into the French border by Belgium.
  • United Kingdom

    The UK declares war on Germany after Germany invades Belgium
  • ANZAC's arrive

    ANZAC's arrive
    The ANZAC's land on the Gallipoli peninsula under fire from the turks who knew they were coming.
  • Turkish counter-attack

    Turkish counter-attack
    Mustafa Kemal commands the turks to drive the ANZAC's into the sea bu they fail.
  • Lusitania

    Lusitania, a British liner, is sunk by a German submarine.
  • 1st Light Horse Brigade

    1st Light Horse Brigade
    Australians arrive, as the 1st Light horse Brigade, as reinforcements. The 2nd and 3rd Brigades arrived on the 20th and the 21st of May.
  • Turkish attack

    Turkish attack
    The turkish attack with 42,000 men but suffer greatly with 10,000 casualties.
  • Battle of Lone Pine

    Battle of Lone Pine
    The battle of Lone Pine begins at 6:30 am where ANZAC's capture Turkish trenches. The battle lasts for 6 days in which 7 Victoria Crosses are awarded.
  • Battle of Hill 60

    Battle of Hill 60
    The ANZAC's wanted possession of the summit, Hill 60, and the battle was fought until the 29th of August. In the end though, the Ottoman Empire remained in possession.
  • ANZAC evacuation

    ANZAC evacuation
    The last of the ANZAC's are finally evacuted from Gallipoli after almost 8 months of fighting.
  • Gallipoli Campaign ends

    Gallipoli Campaign ends
    The Gallipoli Campaign ends with an Ottoman victory.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Germans attacked Verdun as a part of their western advance and the battle went for most of 1916 (Longest battle of the war). The French kept possession of Verdun.
  • Sykes-Picot Agreement

    Sykes-Picot Agreement
    The Ottoman Empire was divided into the middle-eastern countries we know today.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Old calendar date- 25th October 1917
    Led to the end of Russia's involvement in WW1 and the end of the war on the Eastern Front. Eastern Front death toll- 15 million
  • Hundred Days Offensive

    In this battle, there were more than 1.8 million casualties. This offensive finished on the last day of the war, 11/11/1918.
  • End of war-Middle-East

    End of war-Middle-East
    Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Olden, 10th Light Horse Regiment, enter Damascus after "The Great Ride" (an 800 km ride across the plains of Armageddon). This was the biggest column of mounted men since Alexander the Great crossed the same deserts.
  • Armistice Day

    At 6am, Germany signs the Armistice of Compiègne. Fighting ends at 11am. Armistice Day is also commonly reffered to as Rememberance Day.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    the terms of the treaty were aimed at making Germany completely responsible for the death and destruction caused by te war. It is argued that the conditions of this treaty were a major cause of world war 2.