Max Whitt WW2

  • Blitzkrieg Poland

    Blitzkrieg Poland
    The invasion on Poland was planned late 1939 with the Germans invading the west and the Soviet Union invading the east. They planned to divide Poland. Rapid invasion and surprised attacks used by the Germans known as "blitzkrieg".
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Dec.7,1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked. U.S. sent all of its aircraft's carriers and most of its planes to the sea. Japanese disabled 19 ships, destroyed 188 airplanes, wounded 1,100 and killed 2,400.
  • D-Day (Normandy invasion)

    D-Day (Normandy invasion)
    150,000 soldiers; 5,000 ships; 11,000 planes and gliders. Churchill, FDR, and Eisenhower planned a land invasion of France. Stalin promised to attack Germany at the same time from the east.
  • battle of the bulge

    battle of the bulge
    Hitlers last attempt to defeat the allies in Europe. 80,000 killed Germans lost 100,000. Germany lost because they ran out of fuel.
  • battle of Iwo Jima

    battle of Iwo Jima
    The U.S. Marine Corps landed on and eventually captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. The Americans won. the battle lasted from Feb.19,1945 to Mar.26,1945
  • battle of okinawa

    battle of okinawa
    the battle also know as Operation Iceberg. the battle happen on the Pacific. the War fought on the island of Okinawa by United States Marine and Army forces against the Imperial Japanese Army.
  • VE day

    VE day
    on May 7, 1945 Germany surrendered. Victory in Europe. Hitler commits suicide by taking a cyanide pill and than shot himself.
  • dropping of the atomic bombs

    dropping of the atomic bombs
    the president Trimann decided to drop the bomb in order to save American lives from a land invasion. Hiroshima killed 70,000 instantly 135,000 final death toll. Victory in Japan Aug.15,1945.
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    Victory in Japan. the war ended by Japan surrendered in World War II. on aug.15,1945.
  • liberation of concentration camps

    liberation of concentration camps
    when the allies came to the end of wold war ll they found camps filled with sick and starving prisoners. the first camp to be liberated was Majdanek near Lublin, Poland in July 1944.
  • potsdam declaration

    potsdam declaration
    Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender. discussing the surrender of all Japanese armed forces during World War II. located at Cecilienhof, Potsdam, Germany.