Maus Timeline

By Maha@
  • Vladek is Born.

  • Vladek is first drafted into the army.

  • Vladek meets Anja.

  • Vladek and Anja get married

  • Richieu is Born.

  • Vladek is sent to the army again.

    This time to the trenches.
  • Vladek is captured as a P.O.W

  • Vladek is released from work.

  • Vladek comes home to Anja.

  • Jews in Sosnowiec get moved to the ghetto.

  • Vladek's father leaves to the bad side and later dies in Aushwitz.

  • Jews in Sosnowiec get moved to another ghetto.

  • Anja's parents are killed.

  • Richieu is killed

  • Sordula ghetto is cleared

    The Jews are taken to concentration camps, but Vladek and Anja stay hidden.