Maus/Night timeline

  • Elie Wiesel is born

    Born in Sighet, Romania.
  • Departure of their regular lifes

    Elie and his family are forced to leave their homes and go with the Nazis to concentration camps.
  • First Concentration Camp

    Fist camp was in dachau.
  • Germany's leader

    Adolf Hitler becomes Germany's leader.
  • Vladek and Anja meet

    First time Vladek and Anja meet.
  • Weddding

    Anja and Vladek get married.
  • Vladek and Anja become married

    Vladek and Anja are now married.
  • Richieu was born

    Anja and Vladek's first son is born.
  • Anja goes to the sanitarium

    Anja is taken to a hospital in Czechoslovakia.
  • Vladek is drafted

    Vladek is drafted to war.
  • Period: to

    World War 2 start and end

    The start and en of world war two.
  • Vladek and Anja are sent to Aucshwitz

    This is the day they are both sent to Auschwitz.
  • A- 7713

    All jews get tattoted with letters and numbers by the Nazis.
  • Elie's father dies

    Elie's father can take no more and eventually he is dead.
  • Elie is free

    Elie is free from the torture the Nazis gave him.
  • Art Spiegelman is born

    On this day, Art Spiegelman is born.
  • Night becomes published

    The book Night is published.
  • Anja's suicide

    This is the day Anja committed suicide.
  • Vladek dies

    Vladek dies
  • Acceptance speech for Nobel peace prize

    Elie Wiesel accepts the Nobel Peace Prize for his book 'Night".
  • Elie Wiesel today

    Today Elie is a Political activist, professer, and novelist.