
  • Vladek Is born

    Vladek Is born
    Vladek is born in Poland, 33 years before the war began.
  • Went to the army

    Went to the army
    Was drafted into the Polish army at age 16, and tried to fail his medical exsamination but was unsuccesful.
  • Met Anja

    Met Anja
    Vladek went to visit his family in Sosnowiec and was introduced to Anja by his cousin who was in a class with Anja
  • Married Anja

    Married Anja
    Vladek Married Anja and they lived in an appartment in Sosnowiec
  • Richieu is born

    Richieu is born
    Richieu is born in Sosnowiec and weighted 3 kilos
  • Goes with Anja to the Sanitarium in Czechoslovakia

    Goes with Anja to the Sanitarium in Czechoslovakia
    Anja becomes depressed and they go to the Sanitarium. They stayed for 3 mounths before she was better.
  • Factory is robbed

    Factory is robbed
    Vladek had a textile factory in Bielsko that was robbed while he was in the sanitarium with Anja
  • Recives draft notice from polish reserves

    Recives draft notice from polish reserves
    Vladek recives a draft notice from the polish army reserves saying that he had to go to the front line right away
  • returned home from war

    returned home from war
    Vladek returned home from the war after having killed one man who was on his side and also doing alot of manual labor like filling in valleys. Whne he returned home Richieu was two and a half.
  • All Jews had to relocate

    All Jews had to relocate
    All the Jews who were living in Sonsnowies had to relocate to stara sonowiec quarter by january first 1942. The 12 households that were in Vladeks family were given 2 and a half small rooms to live in, in the ghetto.
  • Anjas grandparents are taken and killed

    Anjas grandparents are taken and killed
    Vadeks family recived another notice stating that all Jews over 70 years of age would be trasfered to the theresienstadt in chezechoslvakia on May 10, 1942. In over to keep their family together they hid Anjas grandparents in a bunker in there storage shed. They were able to hide them for a few months but the Jewish police were told where they were hidding and took them to Auschwitz. Where they were then gased.
  • Registered at Dienst Stadium

    Registered at Dienst Stadium
    After living in the ghetto for a few calm months after Anjas grandparents were taken posters and speeches were presented by the Gemeine saying that all Jews must register at the Dienst Stadium. They organized people by familys and sent the healthy one who worked got stamped and went to the right side or the good side. But those who were old, had large family or no work cards went the left side or the bad side. Those who recived stamps were sent home and those who didnt were taken away.
  • All Jews who still lived in Sosnowiec were sent to live in Srodula

    All Jews who still lived in Sosnowiec were sent to live in Srodula
    In 1943 another notice came stating that all Jews who were still left living in Sosnowiec had to go be relocated to an old village near Srodula. Vladeks family was given an even smaller cottage to live in and were confined to the village except for the time that they were sent to work in German shops in Sosnowiec, an hour and a half march away.
  • Last time they saw Richieu

    Last time they saw Richieu
    One of Vladeks friends offered to take Richieu and their friends children to the ghetto in Zawiercie that was belived to be safer. Vladek and Anja found out a year later that the ghetto Richieu was living in was going to be evacuated to Auschwitz. The lady that Richieu and the other children were staying with used poison to kill them all so they wouldnt have to die in the gas chambers
  • Period: to

    Vladek and Anja try to hide

    The Germans began to take any Jew to away so Anja and Vladek tried to hide. Over the course of a few months they tried to hide in bunkers, abandoned homes and peoples barns. They tried to pretend to be pigs or Germans but were eventual found.
  • Worked in tin shop

    Worked in tin shop
    Jews were forced to do hard labor while in camps, but if they knew a skill or craft they were sent to a factory to produce goods for the German army. Vladek was first sent to a tin shop and where he unsuccesfully tried to bribe the Nazi who was in charge of the shop
  • Worked in shoe shop

    Worked in shoe shop
    Vladek next worked in a shoe shop where he repaired the Nazis shoes and made them new ones.
  • Finds out Anja is still alive

    Finds out Anja is still alive
    Vladek met a women who went back and forth between the barak Anja was in and the one he was in. The women found Anja and told Vladek she was still alive and she also helped Vladkek get notes to Anja.
  • Was in infirmary

    Was in infirmary
    Vladek relized how bad the conditions were in the camp and decided that if he was injured he would live in better conditions in the infirmary. Vladek cut his hand and gave himself and infection so he would be sent to the infirmary.
  • Was on train going to Dachau

    Was on train going to Dachau
    Vladek and many other people who were in the same camp as him were sent to Dachau. Many people died on the train ride and were thrown out of the train, but Vladek was able to survive by using a piece of fabric he had to lift himself above everyone else so he was able to eat snow.
  • Left Camps

    Left Camps
    When the war was over all Jews were removed from the camp and transported back to Switzerland.
  • Has a relapse with Typhus

    Has a relapse with Typhus
    While in a camp Vladek contracted typhus a baterial infection that many onther Jewish people got while in camps. When he was out of the camp and still trying to be reunited with Anja he had a relapse with typhus and was sent to an infermery.
  • Reunited with Anja

    Reunited with Anja
    When Anja got out of the camps she went ti the Jewish organization in Sosnowiec and was living there for many months before Vladek was able to travel there and be reunited with her.
  • Art is born

    Art is born
    Art is born Stockholm Sweeden
  • Anja Death

    Anja Death
    Anja comits suicide for an unknown reason, she leaves no note.
  • Vladek died

    Vladek died
    Vladek died of congestive heart failure