Matthew Mitchell timeline

  • Stock market crash

  • Dust bowl

    Dust bowl
    Severe droughts ruined farmers farm land. Strong winds hurled dust everywhere chocking cattle. causing many farmers to leave their homes out west.
  • Food riots

    Food riots
    Many food riots brokew out during the great depression. the firsat one was in February. Men and woman would run in and loot stores for food.
  • Reconstruction

    Congress established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to lend $2 billion to banks, insurance companies, building and loan associations, and farming organizations.
  • New president in office

    New president in office
    President Rosevelt is inagurated into office.
  • Fireside chat

    Fireside chat
    President Roosevelt gives first radio fireside chat explaining to the american people what happened to the U.S. banking system.
  • Civil Works Admin.

    Civil Works Admin.
    Roosevelt Establishes CWA to assist un employed workers in winter months.
  • The Social Security Act was signed

    The Social Security Act was signed
    The Social Security act was signed saying old aged and blind and disabled people could have welfare money.
  • President Re Elected

    President Re Elected
    President Roosevelt is re elected for second term
  • Stimulating the economy

    Stimulating the economy
    President Roosevelt asked Congress for an additional $3.75 billion to stimulate the still floundering economy.
  • Re election for third term

    Re election for third term
    Rooselevt elected for third term as president.
  • The End of the great Depression