Matthew McDonald's Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

  • Aug 21, 1397

    The Founding of The Medici Bank

    The Founding of The Medici Bank
    In 1393, Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici bought the Roman branch of a bank that was owned by one of his fellow Florentine cousins. Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici moved his main office of the Medici Bank to Florence, Italy in 1397. 1397 was the final founding date for the Medici Bank.
  • May 25, 1405

    The Sculpture of Madonna with Child

    The Sculpture of Madonna with Child
    The sculpture is 35” in height, Also, he hand crafted it with clay and after that it was beautifully coated paint with the most beautiful paint such as gold paint.
  • Mar 20, 1498

    The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

    The Last Supper by  Leonardo da Vinci
    The original painting of The Last Supper is about 15 feet by 29 feet.

    Everyone knows that the painting of The Last Supper was made to tell a story about Jesus' last meal with his disciples before he was captured and nailed to a cross to die.
  • Oct 20, 1506

    Self-Portrait by Raphael

    Self-Portrait by Raphael
    The painting of himself measures 15.5 × 11.7 cm. The Painting consists of material heavily woven, and not worth much, because if the superficial coating is removed, nobody any longer pays any attention to it.
  • Dec 20, 1510

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    Luther spreads his ideas quickly with the help of the Printing Press. Luther’s supporters transported copies of Luther's Speeches and Essays far and wide.
  • Jul 19, 1520

    Painting of The School of Athens

    Painting of The School of Athens
    The School of Athens was painted on the far wall of the Vatican Palace.
  • Jan 5, 1521

    Martin Luther Excommunicated from the Church

    Martin Luther Excommunicated from the Church
    Pope Leo X had told Luther recant 41 of his Ninety-Five Theses, but he didn't recant 41 of them. Then, in January 1521, Luther was Excommunicated from the Church because he refused to recant 41 of the Ninety-Five Theses.
  • The Invention of The Parachute

    The Invention of The Parachute
    Lenormand was the first one to actually test the parachute. Leonardo Da Vinci sketched his design of the parachute that he wanted it to be triangular instead of round and he wanted the parachute to be made with a wooden frame covered with linen cloth.
  • The Invention of Matches

    The Invention of Matches
    I read that the first match was created by Robert Bolye. John Walker was actually the first person to amazingly light a match for the first kind of matches. John Walker did this in 1826.
  • The Invention of Firearms

    The Invention of Firearms
    In 850 A.D. China invented gunpowder. Around the 1620's the Flintlock was made from a French inventor named Marin le Bourgeoys. The firearm were used during the Renaissance for hunting, and for fighting in war.