Math discovery

By aaryn31
  • 250


    Diophantus writes a series of books called arithmatica he is known as the father of algebra
  • 300


    Euclid writes books The Elements
  • Jan 1, 1202

    Leonard Fibbonacci

    Leonard Fibbonacci writes about his famous sequence
  • May 5, 1202


    the abacus is created
  • Jan 1, 1525

    christoff Rudolff

    Christoff Rudolff introduces the radical square root sign
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Robert Recorde

    Robert Recorde introduces the equal sign
  • Jan 1, 1535

    Niccolo Tartaglia

    Niccolo Tartaglia solves cubic equations
  • John napier

    John Napier invents logarithmic functions
  • Blaise Pascaland Pierre de Fremat

    Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat discover probability
  • Thomas Harriet

    Thomas Harriet introduces inequalities
  • Pierre de Fermat

    Pierre de Fermat leaves his last theorem
  • William Oughtred

    William Oughtred invents the slide rule
  • Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes creates analytic geometry
  • John Wallis

    introduces the symbol for infinity
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton invents calculus
  • Gottfried Leibniz

    Gottfried Leibniz invents calculus
  • William Jones

    William jones gives the symbol pi which is greek for perimeter
  • Giovanni Saccheri

    Giovanni Saccheri writes Euclid freed from every flow
  • Maria Agnesi

    Maria Agnesi writes a series on the foundations of analysis
  • Jean Argand

    Jean Argand graphs imaginary numbers
  • Evariste Galois

    Evariste Galois writes about group theory
  • Bernhard Riemann

    Bernhard Riemann creates elliptical geometry
  • Leonard Euler

    Leonard Euler shows proof of e to the power of pi times i +1 = 0
  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace describes how to prgram Babbages analytic engine
  • Mobius strip

    Mobius strip is discovered
  • Carl Gauss

    Carl Gauss determines the convergence of infinite series
  • sonia Kovalevsky

    Sonia Kovalevsky is the first woman to recieve a doctorate in math
  • Georg Cantor

    Georg Cantor creates transfinite numbers
  • David Hilbert

    David Hilbert forms a list of 23 unsolved math problems that became the basis of 20th century mathematics
  • Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russel

    Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russel write Principia Mathematica
  • Four color map

    The four color map problem is solved
  • Kurt Godel

    Kurt Godel publishes the incompleteness theorem
  • First Electronic calculator

    The creation of the first electric calculator
  • Muhammad Al-Khowarizimi

    Muhamad Al-Khowarizimi first uses zero