MATH 318 Final Exam Timeline - Allison Ralston

  • 1200

    Probability - "Ovidius" - De vetula ("On The Old Woman") Poem

    Probability - "Ovidius" - De vetula ("On The Old Woman") Poem
    A latin poem written in the 13th century that has the first calculations of throwing 3 dice and gambling probabilities.
  • Probability - Pascal Invents Calculator "Pascaline"

    Probability - Pascal Invents Calculator "Pascaline"
    Not even 19 years old yet, Pascal invents a mechanical calculator capable of addition and subtraction for his father called the "Pascaline."
  • Probability - Pascal and Fermat - Coin Game Dilemma & Expected Value Theory

    Probability - Pascal and Fermat - Coin Game Dilemma & Expected Value Theory
    Pascal and Fermat propose the coin dilemma, which goes as such:
    Two men are betting on a series of coin flips.
    The men agree that the first to win 6 such flips will be awarded 100 coins.
    The game, however, is interrupted after only 8 flips, with the first man leading 5 to 3.
    How should the pot of money be divided?
    Through this, they were able to formulate the expected value theory.
  • Probability - Pascal - Pascal's Near Death Experience

    Probability - Pascal - Pascal's Near Death Experience
    Pascal was in Paris, France driving by the Neuilly-sur-Seine bridge in a carriage when the 2 horses in front had jumped over the low wall suddenly. This led to him experiencing an intense vision about God which later spurred him to devoting more time to philosophy, theology, and mathematics.
  • Probability - Pascal - "On The Geometrical Spirit"

    Probability - Pascal - "On The Geometrical Spirit"
    One of his major contributions to the philosophy of mathematics, Pascal writes, "On The Geometrical Spirit," as a preface to a geometry textbook. This didn't get published until decades after his death.
  • DNA - Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek - The First Microscope and Discovery of Microorganisms

    DNA - Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek - The First Microscope and Discovery of Microorganisms
    He invented the first microscope in 1668, which was the first time we were able to visualize microscopic organisms. He is known as the Father of Microbiology,
  • DNA - Gregor Mendel - Establishment of Inheritance Principles

    DNA - Gregor Mendel - Establishment of Inheritance Principles
  • DNA - Darwin and Wallace - Natural Selection and Evolution

    DNA - Darwin and Wallace - Natural Selection and Evolution
  • DNA - Griffith - Chemical Substances Can Pass From Different Cells and Transform Them

    DNA - Griffith - Chemical Substances Can Pass From Different Cells and Transform Them
    Using a series of experiments with virulent, non-virulent, and heat killed virulent strains of bacteria injected into mice, Frederick Griffith was able to find that chemical substances from one cells can genetically transform another cell
  • DNA - Avery-Macleod-McCarty - Discovering DNA Being The Inherited Genetic Material

    DNA - Avery-Macleod-McCarty - Discovering DNA Being The Inherited Genetic Material
    Building off of the Griffith experiment, they hypothesized the genetic material being transferred was either protein or nucleic acid (DNA or RNA). They concluded that DNA was the genetic material, but their findings weren't taken seriously until the Hershey-Chase experiments.
  • Probability - Merrill Flood, Melvin Dresher, and Albert Tucker - Game Theory & Prisoners Dilemma

    Probability - Merrill Flood, Melvin Dresher, and Albert Tucker - Game Theory & Prisoners Dilemma
  • DNA - Hershey-Chase - Solidifying DNA as The Genetic Material

    DNA - Hershey-Chase - Solidifying DNA as The Genetic Material
    Using a series of experiments with radioactively labeled protein vs. DNA, they were able to solidify the Avery-Macleod-McCarty experiment that DNA was the genetic material being passed.
  • DNA - Watson, Crick, Franklin, and Wilkins - DNA Double Helix Shape

    DNA - Watson, Crick, Franklin, and Wilkins - DNA Double Helix Shape
    Watson and Crick used x-ray crystallography imaging from Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins to discover that DNA was in the shape of a double helix. This is the first image of the genetic material that is passed from organism to organism.
  • Probability - Marilyn vos Savant - Monty Hall Dilemma

    Probability - Marilyn vos Savant - Monty Hall Dilemma