Feb 18, 1516
Mary was born
Aug 5, 1517
martin luther's Revolt
Martin luher attacked the church with his famous Ninety-five theses -
Aug 19, 1518
engaged early
she was engaged at the age 2. -
Oct 3, 1518
Her sister was born
In 1518 Henry's wife Catherine was pregnant. Soon her little sister would be born. princess Elizebeth! -
Dec 16, 1522
engaged to a couisine
Mary was engaged to her 22 year old spanish cousin Charles V. -
Apr 6, 1525
broken engament
In 1525 Charles v broke off the engagement with Mary and married another cousin Princess Isabella of Portugal. -
Oct 3, 1525
Princess at last
Mary becomes princess of Wales -
Jan 4, 1536
Mary loses her mother
Mary loses her mother Catherine -
Jul 19, 1553
She becomes queen
Mary became queen -
Jul 3, 1557
The battle
England and france go to war -
Nov 17, 1558
Mary tudor dies
In 1558 Mary Tudor dies and Elizebath becomes qeen. She dies at the age 47.