Mary read

Mary Read timeline

  • Mary Read is born

    Mary Read was born in England.
  • Mary passes as a boy to make money

    When Mary's brother died, she passed as a boy to make money from her grandmother. The time of this is unknown, but this is just a guess of around the time it might of happened.
  • Mary' grandmother dies

    Her grandmother dies when she is 13. Mary still dresses as a boy after.
  • Mary works as a servant

    Mary works as a servant so that she can eventually join the military. Again, just a guess on the year, but around this time.
  • Mary Read joins the military

    Mary travels to Flanders and becomes a part of the military.
  • Mary marries a soldier

    Mary meets a fellow soldier and later when she reveals her gender, the get married. Date is still a guess, but in the general time.
  • Mary Read's husband dies

    Mary and her husband open an inn near the Netherlands, but her husband dies.
  • Mary finds work as a sailor

    After her husband died, she went back to living as a man and became a sailor.
  • Mary and her crew are captured by pirates

    Mary's crew had to become buccaneers when they were captured by pirates.
  • A royal edict is carried out

    The queen says that if you are pirate, you will be pardoned from your crimes if you surrender.
  • Some of her crewmates surrender and she doesn't

    Some of the people on Mary's ship surrender, but Mary doesn't.
  • Mary Read joins Calico Jack's ship of pirates

    Soon after the royal edict is issued, Mary joins Calico Jack's (John Rackham) ship. On the ship she meets Anne Bonny.
  • Mary Read and Anne Bonny become best friends

    Mary and Anne fought side by side with each other, and were like partners in crime.
  • Mary, Anne, and the crew are claimed as "Enemies to the Crown"

    Mary and Anne are convicted and the ship is captured. Date of month we are guessing, but in September.
  • Calico Jack surrenders

    The men surrendered to the British, but Mary and Anne kept on fighting until they were captured.
  • The men on the ship are killed

    The men are convicted, and they are hung and executed.
  • Mary Read and Anne Bonny are put on trial

    They are convicted and sentenced to death, but their executions were postponed because they were both pregnant.
  • Mary Read dies

    Mary Read dies in prison from a fever, but Anne Bonny was eventually freed.