My parents were 22 years old when I was born. I was the first born and the first of my paternal grandparents' grandchildren. My parents dressed me in Winnie the Pooh themed clothing for the next 6 months. -
Francisco's birth
Francisco was born 2 years and 4 months after I was. My parents thought he was going to be the last one. He was a pale, pale, baby. When he was younger I told him he wasn't actually my brother because He was white and I was brown. -
My grandfather died
I was 9 and Francisco was 7. He was such a constant thing in my life. My mom broke the news to us after school. We were sitting on my bed It affected my brother a lot more than it affected me, but it really did hurt. -
Victor was born
The youngest child and probably the best one. When I say he's the light of my life, I mean it. Right now he is 7 years old, a first grader, and just as cute as he's always been. Just don't tell Francisco I said any of this. -
Met Kayla
We were 11. She was a new student to my class and she happened to be seated next to me. We've been through it all together as teenagers. Break ups, make ups, bad haircuts, and the emo phase. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend. -
I almost died (for the second time)
My brother and I were laying on inflatable tires attached to trees. One of the ropes snapped and I went crashing into the river. There was a long moment where I did not raise my head up above the water, but little me didn't really care. -
Joined Marching Band
Everyone falls in somewhere during high school. I played Tenor Sax, carried the giant ball junior year, and bossed around 2 underclassmen. -
I adopted Simon
Simon is my cat. He's really ugly and has a messed up hip, but I love him very much. When we went to go adopt a cat there were a bunch of different kinds. He was the ugliest one. Eventually, everyone grew to love him as much as I do -
Vic was diagnosed with Autism
When victor was 4 years and 3 months old, he was diagnosed with autism. He didn't have a mind of his own and knew only what was taught to him. At that moment, we all stopped worrying about ourselves. His wellness has been the top priority in most decisions my parents make. -
We moved for the first time
I was born and raised in the same home for the first 14 years of my life. I knew from day one that I was going to Westwood since it was a 7-minute walk from my home. The move was a big change for me and I had a serious mental breakdown thinking about it. Turns out we moved even closer to westood thaan before.